Chapter 5: I Got my Q.

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Hannah's POV:
I look out the window of this boring old red bus. There's a lot of pretty sights around here. I think I'm headed to Colorado. I texted Stephen and told him that i ran away. Soon after that i got a phone call from him.

"Hello" i answered.

"YOU RAN AWAY?!" He shouted.

"Uh yeah" i said quietly.

"Will you please come to Ohio and live with me?" He asked so sweetly.

I was silent for a moment. Did i really want to go all the way to Ohio.?! I thought about it for a bit and then i just hung up the phone. I tuned off my location services on my phone so that nobody could track me down.

I do want to stay with him. He lives alone. I think it would be fun. But how am i supposed to get all the way to Ohio?!

In the midst of all my thinking the bus stopped. *pssshhhh*

Do i get off?.. Or stay on?? I have already been on here for 2 and a half hours. I think im far enough for now. I stood up and started walking towards the front of the bus but i realized that people were only getting on, not off. I went back to my seat and watched the people heading to the back of the bus. There was quite a few people it seemed like. All of the seats were full by the time the last person got on.

The last person on was a tall, blonde hair, blue eyed hottie!. I quickly scooted over in my seat, hoping that he would sit by me. He did. I was so happy.

"What your name?" He asked me.

"Hannah whats yours?" I replied after taking out one earphone.

"Quinton." He said.

"Thats cool. Where are you headed?" I asked.

"Denver" he said quickly.

"Is that where this is going?" I asked like an idiot.

"Uh yeah." He said kind of awkwardly.

Just great. 6 more hours on this dumb bus. I hope no more people get on because it would be very packed. At least i get to sit by a really cute guy.

Quinton and I talked the whole way to Denver. We got to know each other very well. Hes 20 years old. He is from New Zealand. He has the cutest accent ever. Like one you hear in a movie with cute British people. He had really nice flippy hair and we listened to the same music. He was heading to Denver for the same reason as me. We decided to stick together.

He seemed really interested in me. I told him most everything about me. We actually had a lot in common. Its pretty rare that i find someone with a lot in common with me. I saw him pull out his phone and go to his contacts. He handed me his phone and told me to put my number just in case. So i did.

He was also very interesting. Since we were going to stick together we got out a pen and a paper and started writing down some stuff. Where we could go.. Ect.

"How much money you got?" He asks.

"About 80 bucks in cash" i say.

"In cash?" He asks rudely.

"Yeah i also have a debit card" i reply.

"Okay well i have 2 thousand in cash" he states.

Hm this could be good. He has a lot of money. Maybe he will share with me and we could like rent an apartment or something.

"Okay" i smiled shyly.

After a lot of talking the bus stopped.

"I think this is us" Quinton said as he sighed in relief.

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