Chapter 17: Using or being used.

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Alex's POV:
Wow. I think I just laid my eyes on the most beautiful girls in the world. There's two of them. Stevie and Hannah. They came to the homeless shelter and man I just wanna take them home with me! They're lovely. Just stunning. I want them so bad. I wonder if they're sisters.

I watched them as they ran into the food kitchen to get food. They didn't look hungry but oh well. Food Is good anyway. They sat down and started watching tv. I could see them socializing with the other people but I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying.

As a homeless shelter we aren't allowed to gather people's personal information as much as we'd like to but I'm the only one here right now because I own this place. I built it myself. When I was younger I was homeless and I had never even heard of a homeless shelter. So I decided to make people able to go somewhere rather then living on the streets because I've been there and I know it's horrible.

Anyway, I want to get to know Hannah and Stevie a little bit more than what they did on their paper work.

I went over to them and smiled, it was probably the awkwardest smile I have ever smiled in my life.

"Hey girls, how're you?" I asked.

They both just kind of looked at me and then looked at each other.

"We're good, how're you?" Hannah smiled.

"I'm alright, can I just get to know you guys?" I asked, trying so hard not to be creepy.

"I'm Hannah and you look too old for me, sorry" Hannah laughed.

"And I'm Stevie and you look the same age as my dad and I haven't seen him in years, now kindly fuck off" Stevie said.

"Well ladies I guess I'm gonna have to ask you to leave then" I said demandingly.

"Actually you can't do that, let alone make us" Hannah said.

"You're right", I said, walking away.

"Hey wait" Hannah called out.

"Yes Hannah?" I asked.

"Do you have a room that Stevie and I can have to ourselves?" Hannah asked politely.

"Um yes I do, right this way" I smiled, leading them to a room.

As I was walking then to their room I started to think. Do I really look that old? I'm only 18.
I wonder why they wanted their own room. Pretty weird. Maybe it's because we've never gotten two people that were together come in here, it's always been just homeless people on their own.

Anyway I lead them to their room and got them situated. Then they asked me to leave the room, so being the nice man I am, I left. But being the nosey man I am, I eavesdropped. I closed the door behind me and started pushing my ear up towards the door to listen to what they were saying. I didn't want to be rude but I had to know what they think of me.

Stevie's POV:
This whole homeless shelter is wack. It's completely weird and unsanitary. The people in here are gross and the man that owns it is creepy as hell. Hannah and I asked if we could get our own room. We cleaned it up a little and made it our own.

I think this guy Alex is pretty cute. I don't want to like him though because I've learned to not like strangers. The whole thing that happened with Stephen shall never happen again. I also think Hannah is cute. I know she's a lot younger than me but she's been through so much and I just adore her.

I have never been with a girl though and I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable around me if I tell her that I like her. But I really think I do like her and want to be with her. It's not a bad idea. I mean after all, we are gonna be sticking together for quite some time now.

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