Chapter 21: Too much body.

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Hannah's POV:
I finally fell asleep after about 3 hours of tossing and turning. When I woke up I didn't really know what to do so I just went into Stevie's room to see if she was awake yet. I walked in there and saw her sitting there rubbing her eyes.

"Hey Stevie how did you sleep?" I asked.

"Like shit, you?" She replied.

"Same but why?" I laughed.

"I really don't want to be a girl that does that kind of stuff Hannah. I'm not even like that. Especially in front of a bunch of people. And what if my parents see me and take me home. I don't want to go home. Anyway I really just don't wanna do this and I'm not going to" she said.

"I feel the same" I smiled slightly.

"At least we feel the same way" Stevie said, holding up her hand, waiting for a high five.

We high fived and started walking into the living room. Alex was sitting there playing video games.

"You girls ready?" He smirked.

"Actually no we aren't" I said, looking at Stevie.

"Aw come on, why not?" Alex questioned.

"" Stevie said in a robotic tone.

Stevie and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Look girls I brought you here for a reason and you both agreed to it so either do it or leave" he said sternly.

"I guess we're leaving" Stevie said.

We started walking back to our rooms and then he yelled "wait"

We went back into the living room and asked what he wanted.

"Will you guys at least go with me to the studio and watch to see how you like it?" He asked.

We looked at each other and looked at Alex.

"I guess" Stevie mumbled.

"Well go get ready then please" he said.

We walked into my room and started getting dressed.

"Hannah why are we acting like we're dating even though we're not?" Stevie asked.

"I dunno..." I replied.

"Maybe we should just be girlfriends" Stevie smiled.

"Yeah" I smiled back, biting my lip.

"So were together?!" Stevie squealed.

"Yes" I laughed.

We continued getting ready and I will say... We look cute as fuck!

We walked back into the living room and looked at Alex who was still just sitting there playing video games.

"Aren't you gonna get ready?" Stevie groaned.

"I'm already ready" he laughed.

"Riggghttt" I laughed sarcastically.

We sat down on the couch and watched him play his game. Then after about 20 minutes I got tired of it.

"Can we leave now?" I asked impatiently.

"Yeah yeah let me finish this level" Alex said.

"NO!" Stevie yelled.

She ran over to the tv and unplugged his controller.

"We're leaving this instant or Hannah and I are leaving for good" she said loud and clear.

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