Chapter 4: Cant take it.

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Hannah's POV:
I woke up to the sound of a knocking at my window. I kind of ignored it at first but soon after a while it got super annoying. I ran outside and i didn't see anyone. I just went back inside and went back to sleep. Then at 6:00 my alarm went off.

I layed there for the amount of time i usually did. Uhg my lower area is sore... I don't wanna go to school today! You know what?! Im not going. "Dad!!" I yelled. Knowing that he wasn't even awake i crawled out of bed and woke him up.

"Daddy i don't feel good" i say in an innocent voice.

"Okay do you have anything important going on at school?" He asked

"nope." I said, popping the "P".

"Okay well go lay back down and ill bring you some sprite and crushed ice" he replied Empathetically.

I walked back to my room with the song 22 by Taylor Swift stuck in my head. I sang the same part over and over because it was pretty much the only line i knew.

I dont know about you but im feeling twenty twoooo...

I sang this out loud as i laid back down. I knew that my dad would be leaving for work soon so i could be alone.

My dad brought me a lot of stuff. Crackers, crushed ice, sprite, movies, and a cold rag. Ah he's so great when my step mom isn't home. I thought about inviting Jake over for the day because i would be alone and stuff.

I sent him a text but i didn't get a reply until about 30 minutes later. He said he would be at my house in 10 minutes which was perfect because thats about the time my dad would be leaving. Im not supposed to have people over but i don't care. I texted jake and reminded him to bring me my clothes and flowers.

He arrived at 9:15. He jumped out of his car excitedly. I knew i should walk outside and help him with stuff so i did. I carried my flowers inside. He followed behind me.

"My house isn't very clean like yours" i implied.

"Its fine! You live with people and i dont." He said.

We walked back into my room and say down on my bed. Without realizing it i left a razor out. Jake saw it.

"Whats that?!" He yelled.

I was speechless. I didnt know what to say. I sat in silence looking down at my feet. He looked at me shyly. He pulled up his sleeve only to reveal the worst, deepest, oldest scars i had ever seen. They were bad.! I looked at his wrist then glanced away.

"Hannah please stop cutting, its not worth it." He says.

I didnt say anything. People tell me to stop all the time. I cant. Its really hard. I think I'm done. I don't wanna be here anymore. Everyone makes me feel so worthless. I cant take it. When people tell me to stop cutting i feel like they are breaking into my mind and saying "i don't want you to cut yourself because its going to leave ugly scars" and i don't know why. I guess my mind is just messed up.

"Jake you should leave" i said with tears in my eyes.

He leaned over and hugged me. A warm, friendly hug. "Bye Hannah".

I walked him out to his car as i watched him leave. This was so rude. I told him to come over and then i tell him to leave. I hope he understands. I went back into my room. Grabbed the razor. I walked into the bathroom...

One cut, two cuts, three cuts, four, the blood just started dropping from the tub to the floor.

(This is song lyrics. Baby dont cut. By b mike. Look it up it, its good)

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