Chapter 8: Getting used to this.

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Hannah's POV:
I ended up falling asleep after laying there for a short while. I woke up to the sound of a door open.

"Hey gorgeous." Stephen said.


"Calm down baby i only came in here to sleep with you" he said as he bit his lip.

The lip biting was very hot but i wasn't about to have sex because I'm just not in the mood. I felt like acting dumb.

"Okay don't snore" i smiled sheepishly.

"HANNAH I DIDNT MEAN REALLY SLEEP.." Stephen said, kind of upset.

"I know thats the point" i said as i rolled over and closed my eyes.

I felt Stephen lay down on the bed beside me. I just ignored him. He began playing with my hair. I ignored him and fell back asleep after a few minutes.

I woke up about an hour or two later and Stephen was gone. I figured he got bored of watching me sleep. Maybe even listening to me snore or sleep talk. I hope not though.

I sat up and grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was 11 pm already and i was getting pretty hungry. I didnt want to be weird and just go get food so i sent Stephen a text and told him to come to my room. He did and he asked me what i needed. I told him i was hungry and he invited me into the kitchen with him.

We walked down the stairs but i tripped and fell. Of course. I laid there silently for a little bit, feeling quite embarrassed. I got up and laughed it off though. We got to the kitchen.

Susan was sitting there drinking coffee. Who drinks coffee at 11 pm?! I just ignored it but was laughing silently in my head. We sat down at the table and then Stephen got up and made us some roman noodles. I wasn't exactly a huge fan of them but i wasn't going to be picky.

After i ate i kind of felt sick. I told Stephen and he got me some Tums. They were very disgusting. I hate Tums. They made me feel better though. Stephen asked me what i wanted to do and i just said that i didn't know.

"Do you want to shower?" Stephen asked.

"Sure" i said.

We walked back into my room and i put my bag on top of my bed and started unzipping it.

"What are you doing?" Stephen asked me.

"Getting some pajamas?" I said kind of questioning.

"OH I DIDNT SHOW YOU WHERE THEY ARE?!" He yelled pretty loudly.

"Uh no.." I said.

Stephen got down on the ground and i was very confused for a second. Then he pointed to the drawers that were connected to the bed.

"Ohhh" i said.

He began pulling out some clothes which looked really cute. They were mainly shorts though which made me feel uncomfortable but i guess i will just have to deal with it.

"Wear this" he said as he pulled out a tank top and some short pink shorts.

"Um no thanks" i smiled as i began putting it back.

"You don't wanna look cute?" He asked in disgust.

"No because I'm not" i shrugged.

I looked in the drawer and pulled out some black and red pajama PANTS. I figured i would just wear my sports bra and my hoodie to bed.

"What are you going to wear as a shirt?" Stephen asked.

He was kind of annoying me. A lot. I was going to go bitch mode.

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