Chapter 19: Mall Time.

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Hannah's POV:
Stevie and I got out of Alex's car. He gave us 950 dollars to just go blow at the mall. I haven't been shopping for a while. I wonder what we will buy.

"Stevie this way" I said, rushing towards hot topic.

"That store is gross" she scoffed.

"We're going in here!" I demanded.

"Fine fine, whatever" she laughed.

We walked into Hot Topic, AKA my favorite place on earth, besides Forever 21. Anyway we were just looking around.

"Do you ladies need help finding anything?" A lady asked.

"No ma'am" I smiled.

I continued looking around until I spotted something. They are the most lovely pair of skinny jeans I have ever seen in my entire life. They are split into four sections. The first section is the left leg, above the knee, the second section is the left leg below the knee and the other side is the same way but the fourth section is above the knee.

The second and fourth section are just plain blue, a pretty blue might I add. And the other two sections have a background color of black and has a whole bunch of really random colorful things, such as cats, French fries, bacon, socks, buttons, and rainbows. Wow. I must have them.

I pulled Stevie closer to me and made her stare upon the beautiful skinny jeans.

"They're pretty ugly" she laughed.


"Everything okay girls?" The cashier asked.

"Yeah yeah we're fine" Stevie said rudely.

I went over to the man that was helping people get things down from where they were hanging.

"C-c-can you help me get something down?" I stuttered.

"Yeah I will be with you in one minute" he smiled.

I walked back over to where the skinny jeans were hanging and looked up at them like someone would look up at the sky if there was God.

These are so beautiful.

In the midst of all my thoughts the man asked me politely to move so he could get them down for me. I did as he said and waited very impatiently.

As he got them down I was pretty much in the middle of a trans. I couldn't really think straight. This is more beautiful than Channing Tatum riding a unicorn. He handed them to me and I smiled hugely with a thank you. They were stretchy and looked about my size.

"C'mon" I said, pulling Stevie over to the changing rooms.

I went inside one and drug Stevie in with me. I took off my pants and put the skinny jeans on. I looked in the mirror and checked myself out. I will admit, they look fucking great on me.!

"Stevie can we please get matching!?" I begged.

"I guess" she laughed.

"Yay! Go get you a pair of these" I smiled.

She went out of the changing room and came back with a pair.

"Put em on" I said in a weird accent.

She put them on and we both looked at ourselves in the mirror.

I looked at Stevie and laughed.

"We look good" I grinned.

We grabbed our normal pants and brought them out of the changing room with us.

We paid for the pants by just handing the cashier the tags. We also asked for a bag so we could put our normal pants in. We looked around Hot Topic a little bit more. There wasn't anything super intriguing though. So we left and looked for another store.

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