Chapter 9: Getting away with murder.

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Hannah's POV:
After i got ready we went to the coffee shop and got some coffee. It was really good. Way better than the one back at "home."

We walked back to the house and just chilled for a while. Watching tv and movies, drinking soda and eating chips. The typical lazy day.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I looked at it. The text was from Stephen. I am sitting right next to him so its probably just something he doesn't want his aunt to see.

I unlocked my phone and read it.

"Do you wanna go outside and smoke some weed?"

Wow. He smokes weed?! This is great. I knew i would say yes. I just live for weed.

Smoke weed everyday...

That song played in my head. I texted back. "Yes of course! I love weed."

He looked at me and smiled. Then we both sat up and started walking up stairs.

We got into his room and it just smelled really bad. Like boy. The feet, the armpits, just a dirty smell in general. I guess it's not his fault he smells really bad.

He opened his drawer. The bottom one he opened. He grabbed two pipes and a bag of weed. I swear that there was like 30 grams in there. He shoved it into his hoodie pocket. We began walking outside.

He handed me a pipe. It was a colorful one. It didn't have a hole which I like because its just easier to smoke out of.

"I get this to myself?" I asked.

"Yes of course" Stephen smiled.

I handed Stephen my pipe so he could load it.

He did and I was happy.

"Do you have a lighter?" I asked him.

"Yeah" he said.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter. It was a small green one. It's cute. He handed me the lighter.

I lit it and took a hit then I handed Stephen the lighter so he could light his.

He took a hit and looked at me.

"We're gonna smoke this all" he said, pointing at the bag of weed.

"Good" I smirked.

We both took another hit and challenged how long we could hold it in.

We smoked a lot. The whole bag.

We were high as fuck.

"Guess what?" Stephen asked.

"What?" I giggled.

"I just saw a rabbit" he said.

He burst into laughter and so did I.

"How much weeds were in that bag?" I asked, not even knowing what the hell I was talking about.

"How much weed?" Stephen asked.

"Yeah" I laughed, falling over.

"29 grams" he said.

"Oh camel!" I yelled.

We both looked at each other in shock. I don't even know why.

I looked at Stephen.

"I think I'm high" I said.

"Me too" Stephen laughed.

After talking and laughing we just sat in silence. I don't know how Stephen felt but I felt high like I needed to sleep. I didn't tell him I wanted to sleep because that would be weird. We walked over to a tree that was in their yard. We laid under it until it got dark. The highness wore off within 3 hours or so. We couldn't really tell that it wore off though because we were still acting stupid.

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