Chapter 16: Arrested.

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Stephens POV:
I woke up to the sound of sirens. They sounded like they were getting closer and closer to me but I just ignored it. I had nothing to hide... Because they're very hidden.

I couldn't go back to sleep because of the sirens. I stood up and looked out my window. I saw Hannah, Stevie, Madison and Molly talking to two police officers. My eyes widened at what I saw. My jaw dropped. What do I do? I quickly ran into my bathroom and locked the door. I jumped in the shower and pretended that I didn't see that.

Suddenly I heard a knock at my front door. I took a deep breath and just continued with my shower. I heard a loud bang and then someone opened the shower curtain. It was 5 police men.

"What are you, gay?" I scoffed, closing the curtain.

"Get out of the shower" one of the police said.

I refused and I just continued what I was doing. Then I heard Susan's voice rushing into my room.

"What are you doing?!" She shouted.

The police ignored her and jumped into my shower. I was naked so I felt pretty damn awkward. They put my hands behind my back and cuffed me. I didn't struggle because I could get in a lot more trouble for that.

"What's this about?" I asked stupidly.

"Alexander Sosa you are under arrest for the kidnap of 7 girls and possession of marijuana, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law"

I stayed quiet and let them do whatever they had to do. They allowed me to put on clothes. By the time we got outside all of the girls were gone. I looked around but saw them nowhere. The 4 policemen shoved me into the back of the cop car and slammed the door.

How did they find out my name? How did they know that there was 7 girls... There was only 6 down there.. Did they find the body? Where did they find my marijuana? So many questions ran through my head.

Without thinking, I balled my fist and punched the seat. The police didn't say anything but I did rip the seat a little bit but obviously it wasn't a big deal because there was plenty of other holes.

When we arrived to the police station I looked out the window, still wondering where those girls were. I just want to see them one last time. The police opened up the door and helped me out. They had ahold of my arms and they walked me into the building. I didn't know how all of this worked because I usually just kill people before they catch me.

Very harshly, they shoved me through a door and then forced me to sit down on a really uncomfortable chair. They asked me all these questions that I didn't feel like answering. So I just said yes for some and no for others. I didn't really pay any attention to the question really.

After I finished answering all of their dumb questions they had me put on these really ugly clothes. As I was walking through the hall I saw a room. I looked inside and saw Susan. I really didn't even care about her. It was probably her that called the cops anyway. There was no way they just showed up, someone had to have called them.

I looked at her and she looked back at me. I gave her the dirtiest look possible and continued walking. The guards or whatever were following me and there was 2 at my sides holding my arms. They threw me into this gross cell. I was alone. I sat on the ground next to a small bench that was placed within the cell.

I thought and I thought about everything.

I am so stupid. I am in love with Hannah. And Stevie. And Molly. And Madison. And Lauren. I'm in love with all of them, that's why I had to keep them. I will probably be in here for the rest of my life so really there's no point of me living. That's it, I'm killing myself. My nails are long, I could cut my wrist. The bed sheets are strong, I could hang... But there's no where to hang. I could starve myself. I could make myself so sick that I die.

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