Chapter 20: The Trip.

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Alex's POV:
I got the girls from the mall and took them back to my apartment. I wanted to start filming stuff but I needed to be in California so I had all of my equipment and everything.

We got into my car and I began driving. I know it's going to be a really long trip because its pretty much half way across the US so it will probably be about 2 or 3 days, depending on how much we stop and if we stay the night somewhere. I turned on the radio because it got too quiet for my taste.

Hannah was sitting up front since Stevie did before. They decided on trading places every time we stopped to use the restroom or get stuff to drink or whatever.

We sat there in silence for quite some time. Then Hannah announced that she had to pee. I pulled over on the side of the road and got out and unlocked the trunk of my car. I grabbed a roll of toilet paper and threw it at Hannah.

"Ew what the fuck" she groaned.

"You said you had to pee" I laughed.

"Yeah can we stop somewhere besides on the side of the road?" She questioned.

"Sure" I smiled.

I got back into the car and started it up again. I had a smirk on my face the whole time I did that and Stevie just looked at me. She knew that something was up.

I got back onto the road and made sure that no one was behind me. I stopped the car in the middle of the road and looked back at Hannah, who was holding her vagina like she was 5 years old.

"Go Alex!" She yelled.

I just started laughing uncontrollably.

"You said to stop somewhere besides on the side of the road" I laughed.

"You're fucking ridiculous" Hannah groaned.

She stepped out of the car with the toilet paper in her hand and she went behind the car and did her business. Me being the jerk that I am started driving away slowly just to freak her out.


"Hurry up" I yelled, looked out the window.

She began walking back towards the car and she got in.

"You're gonna leave my toilet paper out there?" I asked.

She stepped back out of the car and grabbed it and got back in.
She handed it to me and I set it on the dashboard.

"So Alex what exactly are we doing to do in California?" Stevie asked.

"Well you guys are going to do exactly what you did for me the other night, but there will be more cameras and more people around" I smiled, looking over at her.

"That sounds like the life" Hannah sighed sarcastically.

"Well Hannah would you rather be living on the streets? Plus, I know you enjoyed it, you're a natural." I smiled, looking at her in the mirror.

"Yeah I would much rather be living on the streets" Hannah laughed.

"Then get out" I said, slamming on the breaks.

"No fuck you, take me to California and then I'll leave from there" she said sternly.

"Okay" I laughed, knowing that she wouldn't really do that.

Everything got quiet for a second after the radio turned off, were pretty much in the middle of nowhere so we don't get signal.

"Do you guys like any bands?" I asked.

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