Bonus Chapter. 26. POVS.

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Hannah's POV:
Sabastion and I are happily married. We no longer live in California. We moved to Virginia about a year ago so our daughter grows up in a place more green and entertaining.

We live in a two story house. I'm also pregnant again. This time with a boy. We are going to name him Austin. He is due in 3 weeks. I'm pretty excited to have another baby.

My family now knows where I am and I visit them once every 2 months. My brother is finally married and my step mom and my dad divorced. There was a lot of changes around while I was gone but all Is good now.

Sabastion's POV:
Hannah and I are happily in love. I joined a new band here in Virginia called The Red Letter. We usually have gigs twice a week which brings in pretty good money. We are a pretty good band.

I'm excited about the new baby too. Beatrice is getting so big. It's really crazy to watch a child pretty much grow in front of you. I can tell she is going to be a very pretty girl. Well she already is.

Stephens POV:
I'm still In prison. It's hell. I tried to kill myself but now I'm getting help. They are trying to get me out in a few months but its pretty pointless because I'm a fuck up. I let a young girl die. I killed a cop. I just ruined my life. So nothing matters anymore.

You know the saying "don't drop the soap"? Well yeah they aren't kidding.


Stevie's POV:
After I left Hannah my life was a mess. I just stayed at the beach most of the time. I stayed with an old friend on mine upon the shore. She had an apartment there. I was walking along the beach one day and I saw a beautiful wedding. I walked by and saw Hannah getting married to Sabastion.

I was pretty upset about it but I didn't let it get to me. I mean it was like 3 or 4 years ago. Hannah still comes to mind every once in a while. I know I will never forget her. I haven't seen her since the wedding though and I'm pretty sure she didn't even see me. I know that if I saw her again I would have some major apologizing to do.

Now I'm living back with my dad in Tennessee though so I probably won't see her ever again. I honestly do miss her. But I also missed my family. They were pretty happy to see me but pretty upset with the things I've done to myself.

After leaving Hannah I cut myself up. After 3 years the scars still haven't faded. I go to counciling once a week. It doesn't really help. But it's whatever. I also got a lot of tattoos and piercings and all I wear is slutty dresses.

I try to keep to myself but my dad just pushes me over the limit. We fight a lot but I mean what family doesn't?

Life is pretty good though.

Lauren's POV:
After all that I've been through I've just gotten a lot better. I live with my mom and I help her at work a lot. I see Stephen quite often because my mom is a cop and she also works around different areas. He always gives me dirty looks but I just laugh.

I've tried to get ahold of Hannah and Stevie to see how they are doing but they both changed their numbers I think.

Susan's POV:
I got on an online dating site and found myself a man. We live in North Carolina and we adopted 4 black children. I go and visit Stephen every now and then and he just gets worst and worst.

Alex's POV:
I've decided to do something better for my life so I went to college and got a degree. I'm an architect now and I have a boyfriend. After filming so many girls I just got tired of them so I became gay.

Kamryn's POV:
Timmy and I got back together after everything happened with Hannah. Hannah and I don't talk anymore. I have no clue what happened to her. I'm in college and so is Timmy. We plan on getting married and starting a family in a few years.

Quinton's POV:
I went to California just for no reason and I met this guy Alex and we fell in love...

Jake's POV:
I still live in New Mexico. I still live alone. I finished high school and now I'm just lonely. No girl wanted me. Not even Hannah. I haven't seen her in forever so I gave up on that.

Molly's POV:
Just me... 6 feet under. Dead.

Madison's POV:
I live with my aunt and uncle and nothing interesting has happened really.

🌴Hey guys. Those were just the POVs of the people throughout the story. Hope you enjoyed this book😛

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