Chapter 13: Better off dead.

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Hannah's POV:
Could this be anymore boring? I'm just sitting here with Kamryn, Ali, Lauren, Molly, Madison and Stevie.

I got out my phone and texted a few people. I didn't tell them where I was though because I was afraid of the cops coming and Stephen killing all of us girls.

"Guys we need to get out of here" Stevie sighed.

I looked at her and bit the inside of my cheek trying to hold in all of the rude comments I wanted to say.

"What's that look for?" Stevie scoffed.

"I don't know I just don't think we're gonna get out of here.." I sighed.

"We will find a way" she smiled.

We all just sat around talking and messing around. Each girl got to know each other pretty well. Kamryn was crying though. She was missing her family. She tried to keep her feelings to herself though.

"We should all get to showering because well... We probably stink" suggested Ali.

"Yeah good idea" I said.

All of us looked around not knowing who wouldn't be first to shower. Most of us looked at Stevie for some odd reason.

"Alright I'm going" Stevie huffed.

Stevie sat up and walked into the back bedroom probably to grab some clothes.

She walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

"Guys can we all go into the room and chill?" I asked.

"No it's better in here." Ali smiled.

"Then can we at least turn on the god damn tv?!" I said, rolling my eyes.

Molly sat up and grabbed the remote. We were all huddled in the kitchen so we went into the living room and sat on the couches and chairs. Ali and I sat next to each other on the couch. We let Kamryn choose the channel to watch just to be nice. Usually it was Stevie but since she's in the shower someone else gets to choose. Kamryn chose Law and Order SVU.

We all stared at the tv in silence. I kind of felt bad because Kamryn was sitting alone on the floor so I got down from the couch and sat next to her. I saw the tears that stained her face.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

"I just wanna go home!!" Kamryn said.

She stood up and grabbed a cup that had been sitting on the small table near the couch. She threw it at the wall in anger. All of the girls looked at her, except for me. I shook my head and looked down at the floor.

Stevie rushed out of the bathroom, naked.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" She shouted.

I looked at her and she was very furious.

"Kamryn is just a little upset.." I said.

Stevie looked at Kamryn and said "you need to shut the fuck up... Or else"

Kamryn was never the type of girl to start anything with anyone. She's sweet and is very empathetic. But not this time.

Kamryn folded her arms and took a deep breath.

"What the hell did you just say to me?" Kamryn scoffed.

"Guys stop.." Lauren said.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do" Kamryn yelled.

Stevie rolled her eyes and looked at Kamryn.

"You really need to grow up" Stevie mumbled.

"I fucking heard that stupid bitch. You're the one that needs to grow the fuck up." Kamryn yelled.

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