Chapter 23: Working alone in love.

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Stevie's POV:
I had to leave. I needed to go home. I walked and walked until I found a gas station. I asked where the bus stop was and got directions. I had Alex's card still so I cashed it all and got some money for a bus.

When I got on the bus I paid the driver and then looked around for somewhere to sit. There wasn't many open seats and if there was it was next to someone. I sat down next to a girl with red hair. She had earphones in and looked super nice.

I put my earphones in and sat back and put my knees on the seat in front of me.

Hannah's POV:
I sat there watching tv for what seemed like forever. Then I went and made sure all of the animals were fed and the house was cleaned up. Then I checked the mail and it started getting dark. I went back inside and turned off the tv and went to sleep.

I woke up to a weird sound. I couldn't exactly make out what it was but it was coming from the living room. I slowly got out of bed, trying to keep quiet. I looked around for a weapon and grabbed a small lamp because I couldn't find anything else.

I crept into the hallway and into the living room but i didn't see anyone and the sound had stopped. I looked in the kitchen and saw a few things that were switched around from the way that I had; had them before I went to sleep.

"Do you need something" a voice shot out from behind me.

Not even thinking to look who it was I swung the lamp and it broke over the top of... Sabastions head.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry are you okay?!" I yelled.

I kneeled down and helped him up.

"God damn Hannah I told you I would be back today" he laughed.

"I know I'm sorry but I thought it would be later" I frowned.

"Smile princess it's 4 in the afternoon" Sabastion laughed.


I got on the ground and cleaned up the pieces to the lamp in which I had broken.

"It's fine just leave it" he smiled.

"No it's all my fault and now I feel bad" I sighed.

He looked into my eyes and smiled. Then he leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. My life paused for a moment and I could feel myself beginning to turn red. I quickly looked away and went into my room.

"Hannah you're blushing" Sabastion laughed.

"Shut the hell up" I said, trying to keep a straight face.

He kissed me on the forehead. Ugh he is so fucking perfect. This is the best thing ever. I need to make him mine. I walked back into the hallway and looked over at Sabastion because he was cleaning up the mess. I should be cleaning it though because I did it.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"No I got it" he smiled.

"Okay whatever" I said, plopping myself down on the couch and turning on the tv.

"So now that your here am I supposed to leave?" I asked.

He came and sat down by me and I couldn't help but smile.

"You are welcome to stay here all the time Hannah" he smiled.

"Okay" I giggled.

"So what do you do while you're gone?" I asked.

"I'm in a band" he smiled.

"Really what's it called?" I asked.

"What" he laughed.

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