Chapter 3: Jakes house.

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Hannah's POV:
We just got to Jakes house. Its a very nice place. 2 stories. Blue painting. Nice yard. The whole bit. He searched his pockets.

"Ah here it is" he exclaimed.

He pulled out a key and unlocked the door. Come on in he said politely. I walked in his house. I felt so awkward but i tried not to seem like it.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"I live alone.." He said.

Hmmm seems very weird to me. A 17 year old guy living alone already. Owning a very nice place. I didnt ask though. I didnt want to be rude.

I just gave him a blank look and then smiled.

"My grandfather bought this for me after my parents died." He said willingly.

At this moment i had so many questions. How did they die? Is he okay? Is he depressed? Does he need anything? I didnt want to ask though because its white rude i guess.

"Can i set these down somewhere?" I asked, referring to my flowers.

"Uh sure right here", he said, pointing to a kitchen table.

He gave me a tour of his house. It was very clean and nice.

"All of this room just for you?" I asked.

"Well i hope to share it with you someday" he said jokingly.

At first i thought he was serious. He walked me into his room. It was very nerdy but cute.

Pokemon collections everywhere.! I kind of liked it. It was cool. He told me i could sit down on his bed. I did but i felt kind of weird.

"I will be back" he said, leaving the room.

I sat there awkwardly for a few minutes until he came back. He had both hands full with 2 plates. He set them both down on the table near his bed. On each plate there was a nice well made salad. They looked very appealing. He walked out of the room again. But soon walked back in.

"What would you like to drink?" He asked.

"Water is fine." I said.

He ran out of the room and soon came back in with 2 glasses of water. It took a bit to get situated. He pulled out 2 bean bags and some small TV trays. He put our plates on there and our drinks and started a movie.

"You like Iron man?" He asked.

"Yeah!" I said.

"This is all really nice Jake." I added.

He smiled and didnt say anything because his mouth was full. I love polite guys. Yay.

When we finished eating we took our plates and glasses to the kitchen. He set them in the sink.

" want me to wash them?" I asked.

"No way!" He replied.

We went back to his room and sat on the bean bags. He managed to move them closer together which i found cute. He turned off the light and we sat in silence for what seemed like a long time.

"Are we going back to school?" I asked.

"Do you want to?" He asked.

"Not really.. " i said.

"Then we will stay here and have fun okay?" He replied.

"Alright" i said.

Have fun..? What did he mean by that? I guess i will have to find out. He slowly put his arm around me.

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