Chapter 22: House Sitting.

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Alex's POV:
I just lost the two best girls I had ever had in my career. They left so I don't know what to do now. I already told everyone that I would have a few videos done within the next month. I don't know what to do and they really don't want to.

After about 30 minutes after they left I realized that they still had my credit card but I don't really care because I said it was theirs anyway. They can use it to do whatever they want. There is probably still hundreds on there. They didn't come back with much from the mall.

Hannah's POV:
Stevie and I left. We quit the deal with Alex. We didn't want to be staying at his house either. We walked for about an hour and then stopped when we saw a small deli. We went inside and got us some chicken and then on our way out we saw a bulletin board.

It had people's phone numbers and stuff. People that were looking for jobs. This deli seemed pretty local so I'm sure most of these people got jobs.

"Stevie look" I said nudging her.

"What?" She asked.

"We could get a job!" I said.

"Yesssss" Stevie laughed.

We walked away and then went across the street where there was a small motel 6. We got ourselves a room for the night with Alex's card. There was still about 500 dollars on there so it's not a big deal. But we do need to start trying to save it just in case.

We put everything in our room and got a yellow piece of paper and a pen. I wrote down mine and Stevie's name, our numbers, and what kind of jobs we would like.

For the job thing we put just anything. No strippers and stuff though.

When we were finished writing everything down I went down to the lobby and asked for 2 thumb tacks and Stevie and I walked over to the deli and hung it up. Then we went back to the motel and watched tv.

Then about 2 hours later Stevie took a shower and I ended up falling asleep. Then I heard my phone going off.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hi is this Hannah White?" A voice asked.

"Yes it is, may I ask who is calling?" I asked.

"Oh yes I'm referring to your ad thing at the deli" the man said.

"Oh yeah" I said smiling.

"Well my name is Sabastion and I am looking for someone to watch my house and take care of my animals while I am gone" the man said.

"Oh okay well I can do that" I said through the phone.

"Okay I'm going to be out of town for a week starting tomorrow, do you think you can come then?" He asked.

"Yes just give me your address, and are you referring to both of us that had our name on the sign?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am, and my address is 1215 North street" he spoke.

"Okay what time should we come?" I asked.

"Probably like noon"

"Okay no problem. Good bye" I said.


I hung up the phone and yelled for Stevie.

"What" she said from in the shower.

"We got a job!" I shouted.

"Yay" she yelled sarcastically.

I sat for a second and thought about what I was going to bring over to Sabastion's house. I figured that if we were watching his animals and stuff we would also be staying the night. For a week until he gets back. I dug through my clothes and picked out what I was going to wear tomorrow.

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