Chapter 14: Ouija.

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Stevie's POV:
Hannah walked into the kitchen from down the hallway. She had something in her hand. It was a board. It was something I had seen before. I just couldn't remember what it was called.

I looked at Hannah and shook my head. She looked at me confused. I walked over closer to her and took it away from her.

"We are NOT playing with this!" I said strictly.

She looked at me puzzled but knew better than to argue. I didn't really know what to do with it. It was dangerous. These girls are stupid and I don't want them getting themselves hurt.

AN OUIJA BOARD! That's what it's called. I have seen them all over tv. They're a possession board pretty much. You ask it questions and if there is a spirit it says yes or no. Something like that. All I know is that it's very dangerous and the spirits will follow you and stay attached to you. If you try to destroy the board it makes them angry and everything gets worst. So all I have to do is keep this away from these girls. I just don't know where because all of us pretty much go everywhere down here. I mean its small so...

Hannah was just standing there staring at me like I was insane.

"Look Hannah this is very dangerous and I'm keeping it away from you, now go to bed" I smiled, biting the inside of my cheek.

Hannah walked back down the hall and into the room. The bed was squeaky so I heard her plop down onto it. I walked around, looking for a place to hide this board. I had a few good ideas but I figured someone would find it.

I opened up the small closet door that was across from the bathroom.

Hmmm maybe I will put it on the top shelf all the way towards the back. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a chair because I was too short to reach it.

"What are you doing?" Lauren asked.

"Just cleaning up a little bit." I replied.

I continued back to the closet and I put the chair close to it. I stood upon the chair and moved a few of the things that were up there. I moved them to a shelf lower. I put the Ouija Board all the way in the back where it wasn't see able. I then moved a few of the things that I had moved to the second shelf back onto the first one. Just so it didn't look like I moved anything around.

I got down from the chair and closed the closet door. I put the chair back into the kitchen and sighed.

Lauren, Molly, Kamryn,and Madison were sitting there watching tv.

"Guys it's really time to go to sleep, it's getting really late." I said.

"Yeah yeah you're right" Kamryn said.

Kamryn reached over towards the remote and turned off the tv.

Everyone went to sleep and I was still awake. Well not still, but I had woken up to get something to drink because I was thirsty. I heard something, it was like a thump but I couldn't make out the sound. It was a weird sound but it was not really loud but not really quiet either.

I walked around and tried to get closer to the sound. It was coming from the closet. I went into the closet and I opened it.

The Ouija board had fallen. That's really weird because I put it way back in the back where I was sure it wouldn't fall or anything.

I was honestly just so confused. I picked it back up and put it in the same place that it was before and then I went back to sleep. A few hours later, probably like 5 am I heard Stephens voice.

"Wake up my loves" he yelled.

I was the lightest sleeper so I woke up first. I knew I had to ask him about the board because I really don't want it down here anymore. I rushed into the living room and looked at him. He looked drunk.

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