Chapter 15: We escaped.

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Hannah's POV:
Stevie and I packed up our stuff too and then we quietly snuck out the door. We grabbed quite a bit of food too. The whole basement was pretty much empty other than the furniture and stuff.

We were super quiet and we closed the door behind us. Stephen would probably never figure out the password and to change the password or get into the door you had to know the password. So looks like he won't be locking anymore girls down there.

I looked at Stevie.

"Do you think we should call the cops?" I asked.

"Yes but we need to wait until we get out of here so he doesn't kill all of us or something crazy like that, you know how he is." She sighed.

We went up the stairs and through the kitchen. We looked like a bunch of ducks in a row walking because we were so close to one another. We looked around carefully to make sure that Stephen nor Susan was awake. But usually they wouldn't be awake at 2 o clock in the morning. We crept through the house and finally got outside.

We crept over to Kamryn's car. Well... Her moms car, which was for some odd reason still here. I figured Stephen would have taken it or something. But where would he take it? This wasss his house.

"Kamryn do you have the keys?" I whispered.

"They're at the bottom of Lauren's bag" she sighed.

We got a little bit closer to the street and hid behind Kamryn's car, just to make sure we were completely out of sight of anyone in the house.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the girls that were trying to search for the keys. Stevie looked at me and smiled.

"Let's do this" she said.

We went a little bit away from the car and I dialed 911.

"This is the Ohio state police department, Diana speaking"

"Uhm hi"

I handed Stevie the phone and she explained everything. Where the house is. What happened. Who we are. And everything.

We stood by the car after we got off the phone with Diana. Roughly 5 minutes later we heard sirens. Lots of them. We could hear them getting closer and closer. Stevie and I made eye contact and hugged each other and then Kamryn joined, along with Molly and Madison. But Lauren still stood there.

"Lauren what's wrong?" I asked her, escaping from the group hug.

"My mom used to be a cop, maybe she still is one" Lauren frowned.

"Then you get to see her first thing honey, you should be happy" I smiled.

"Yeah you're right" she smiled, hugging me.

The cops came and we saw them all get out of their cars. They had guns. Each of them. There was two police ladies that came over to us and started talking to us. They had clipboards so I assumed they were writing everything down for records or whatever.

There was another lady walking towards us. She looked a bit familiar but I didn't know her.

Lauren's POV:
After we all hugged and stuff the cops showed up. There was two ladies that were talking to us and another one was walking over to us. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. It was my mom. She was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. I took a deep breath as she embraced me into a hug.

I could feel the tears falling down my face. She still smelled the same. I looked back around my shoulder at Stevie and Hannah.

"Thank you guys so much" I sighed.

"Couldn't of done it without you" Stevie smiled.

I say there for a minute, enjoying the presence of my mother.

I stepped aside with my mom and we started talking. It's been so long. I looked at her and smiled. I honestly had no clue what she was saying. All I know is that I have my family again.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

My mom gave me a look of disparity.

"He passed away babe" she said sadly, looking down at her feet.

"NOOO" I screamed.

I felt the tears streaming my face as my mom embraced me into another hug.

"How?!" I asked desperately.

My mother was silent for a moment.

"He was shot" she said.

"By who?!" I yelled.

"Baby don't worry about it now" she smiled.

I didn't even know what to think right now. All I know is that Molly, Madison, Hannah and Stevie are going to need a place to stay. I'm sure Kamryn will be going back home.

"Mom?" I questioned.

"Yes sweetie?"

"My friends are going to need a place to stay after all of this shit is settled..." I said.

"Lauren you haven't changed a bit, you're still the sweetest girl I know. Of course they can stay with us" She smiled.

"Thanks mom" I sighed.

I walked back over to Hannah, Stevie, Molly, Madison and the police who were asking them questions.

The other police had went inside and have not came back out yet. Stephen is probably being stupid and stuff, like usual. I pulled Hannah to the side and asked if she wanted to stay with my mom and I. Of course she said yes. And I did the same thing with Stevie. Molly and Madison on the other hand... Wanted to go home. But Stevie and Hannah were going to stay with me.

Hannah pulled me over again just so her and I were talking and said never mind. And so did Stevie. Hmmm oh well.

I told my mom never mind. I could tell by her facial expressions that she was a bit confused but I didn't say anything. My mom took Hannah, Stevie, Molly, Madison and I back to the police department for testing and everything. Just to make sure we're all okay.

Hannah's POV:
We're at the police station getting tested and what not. Stevie and I stuck by each other, Molly and Madison went their own way after their parents got called, and Lauren went home with her mom. Too bad we didn't get to see Stephen get arrested. It's kind of something I really was looking forward to seeing and same with Stevie.

Kamryn took her car and went home. She begged me to go with her but I wouldn't. The police asked me where I lived and I wouldn't tell them. They said that I needed to go somewhere safe. I made Stevie go into the bathroom and when the police told me to call my mom, I called Stevie.

The police were pretty gullible so I did the same for Stevie. Stevie's parents were far away and she said she was better off without them so her and I just stayed at the police station until it was closing time. I told them that I was walking home with Stevie because my dad was going to have to fly in a plane and come get me. Stevie and I grabbed our stuff and left. It was starting to get dark so we went to a small park and just chilled for a while.

I looked at Stevie and she looked at me. We smiled at each other for a slight second.

"We escaped" she said happily.

I saw tears forming in her big brown eyes.

"Don't worry we're safe now" I assured, embracing her in a hug.

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