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Tomura rolled his crimson eyes "Yeah, right your highness."

The man wanted to snarl something back, but figured it wasn't worth his time. So he leaned against the cave wall letting the fire dry him.

Tomura on the other hand now stood up and walked over to a rather clean stone next to the fire, he brushed some dust and sand of with his hand. Then the alchemist apprentice took of the dark green soaked coat revealing more of his dull aquamarine hair. The man went through his hair and gave a displeasing huff at how wet it was. The white button up and black high-wasted pants which were the base of his outfit were wet too. 'It'll get dry.' The glowing necklace was now even more visible and his entire body had leather jewelry or rather pockets and laces. Tomura also wore a small black corset like thing over the white shirt. It had some small red stitched in patterns which looked like flowers and leaves. Tomura took it of as well and placed it next to the coat he placed there.

Dabi couldn't help but stare at him. What else was he supposed to do? He had never seen someone with hair that beautiful shade of blue before. He really thought that it had brought out his eyes more. And then attire he wore? It was majestic. Almost. It definitely showed that he knew his place in the world, which Dabi respected greatly. When Tomura's eyes shifted towards Dabi, he perked up and flicked one of his wings over himself in embarrassment. 'Stared for too long, moron.'

When Tomura's eyes saw how he reacted he fully turned around. "Huh, first time seeing an alchemist without scars or a coat?" He raised his eyebrow placing his hand on his hips, but he got no answer from the man who hid. The alchemist then walked over to the dragon and crouched down in front of the wing. He brushed it lightly, surprised by how smooth and nice the scales felt. "You hungry?" Tomura spoke softly.

Dabi's face heated up when he felt Tomura's cold hand touch his wings. At first, the wing flicked away from his hand, but, slowly, he retracted back to his hand. There were small patches of light pink that Shigaraki hadn't realized before. They were lazily done, as if they had once before been nasty wounds. Burn wounds to be exact. "Um..at the moment, no. But I can go hunt if that's what you're asking me to do."

Tomura shook his head "No need too now, I still have some supplies in my backpack. I am sure it's enough for both of us for 2 days." The man now sat down next to the wing, he felt a question burning in his mind. He looked to the side for a moment, trying to find the best way to phrase it. His eyes then rested onto the blue campfire. "Dabi?" The dragon gave a grunt so he continued "Where did those scars come from and why were they treated so poorly even though you are royalty?" His finger brushed gently along the pink scars trying to follow the trace.

Dabi's wing winced when Tomura placed a hand on his scars. He shifted uncomfortably under the question. Eventually, he brought his knees up to his chest with a sigh. "The scars are...old. They came from someone who I thought was close to me, but these," His untouched wing spread out. "proved me wrong." Dabi sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Who gave them to me is hard to explain and why they're so poorly is because the attacker never gave two shits about how they made me feel. They wanted to see me in pain. Though I never did anything to deserve it." His voice lowered as he spoke the last sentence. Dabi's eyes shifted to his other wing and he carefully touched it. "He actually threatened to rip them off once.."

Tomura's body froze. "I-I" his voice cracked multiple times "I'm sorry." He looked away for a second unsure about what to do. He looked at the dragon again and saw him looking at the ceiling of the cave. The man shifted a bit closer to the other so that he could brush the base of the wing, trying to comfort him. "Well," he started "I didn't have the best childhood too until I was adopted by one of master's friends. But when he died I was given to her, which was seen not so good for others. The alchemist thing is a bit like royalty. If you're born in an alchemist family you are an alchemist, if not you're you're not. So I kind of had my struggles when I wanted to become like her. But she kind of supported me. She let me enter the entrance exam at the age of 18 also knows as 'burning flower field'. It's basically a survival training in the wild in which we have to use alchemy. We are watched the entire time to make sure no one dies and alchemy is used or at least some form of it, to prove that we are able to create alchemy and have it." Tomura took his hand away from the dragon and rested it in his lap "Well, you know how that ended."

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