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*Zatsu's winced as sunlight shot her eyes. Groaning softly, she slowly opened her eyes and looked around. It took her a minute to realize that she and Akira had both fallen asleep on the couch, Soren not too far away. The alchemist yawned and ran a hand through her hair.*

The woman gave a soft hum as she looked up to her wife. She gave a smile before she gave her a kiss. "Goodmorning~" her smaragdine eyes looked happily at her.

*The woman looked down and smiled softly.* "Good morning."

Akira hummed "What would you like for breakfast?" She placed her head back on the woman's chest.

*Zatsu shrugged.* "Anything is fine. Eggs sound good though."

"Alright~" she gave her another kiss before she lifted herself up to leave. The woman went to the kitchen to make some eggs and bacon with extra bacon for herself and Hoshi.

*While her wife went to cook, Zatsu reached over and carefully scooped Soren up. She set him in her lap with his head against her chest and held him close, running her hand through his hair gently.*

The female alchemist did her best to cook the meal.

Hoshi on the other hand seemed to have other plans as he ran around the kitchen and tried to climb up her leg.

*Eventually, the palisman gave up for a minute. He then jumped onto the counter and then onto the woman's shoulder, meowing loudly as he clung to her.*

"Yeah, yeah give me a second you brat." She turned her head to give him a quick kiss before she continued to cut bread and get some other stuff as well so it wouldn't just be bacon and eggs. Zatsu has told her many times that Soren should get more vegetables.

*The cat nudged her neck impatiently as he watched her cook.*

After a while she was finished with cutting up vegetables and making a small cream to eat with them. She put the bacon on a single plate as well as the eggs. With her alchemy she also got the rest of the plates and utensils to prepare the dinning table.

*When the woman came into the living room again, she noticed Zatsu still on the couch, cradling Soren. She ran her fingers through his hair as she hummed to him, not noticing Akira watching her from where she stood.*

The woman gave a small hum. She made her way over to her and sat down besides Zatsu. Her hair went up to brush through her dark indigo hair gently.

*Zatsu twitched and looked at her. She sighed softly and laid against her slightly.* "I'm going to have to put a bell on you."

"Why that now? I was there the whole time." she gave her a bunch of kisses.

"Because you scare me one more time I might actually get a heart attack and die." *She said in between laughs and soft kisses.*

"Well, you know what happens then..." She kissed her forehead as she hugged onto her lover.

*Zatsu gave her a curious look as she wrapped an arm around her.* "And you would specify if I didn't?"

"I would bring you back alive. Tomura did it so I might just find him and drag your corp over there." She gave a laugh.

"Again." *The woman snickered.* "Is it even possible to revive a double-dead?"

"Mhm...mhm.. perhaps. I mean we would find out then." She gave a hum as she kissed her.

"Yeah." *Zatsu shrugged.* "But I don't plan on leaving you anytime soon."

"That's good, because me neither... anyway wake Soren up. If not breakfast will get cold.." she stood up to make her way over to the dining table.

*The woman watched her wife leave. She then sighed and carefully nudged the brunette's arm.* "Soren...Come on, Bud."

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