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*The half-breed trotted after Tomura with the bag of plantation. Once they came to the kitchen, he shook the bag off and offered it to the albino haired male. After Tomura had taken the leather bag, smoke coiled around Dabi as he shifted back into his human form.* "Good to see you again."

Tomura gave him a greeting kiss on the cheek. "Now what will we be making?" He placed his head on the other's shoulder because it was just the perfect height for his head to rest.

"I was thinking of braising this-" *The half-breed motioned to the raccoon.* "and roasting that." *He pointed to the halved portion of a headless, legless deer.* "I also found herbs and stuff we can also mix into them. How does that sound?" *Dabi looked at the male on his shoulder and planting a soft kiss on his head.*

As Tomura heard Dabi speak he only listened to half of it due to his mind thinking about excuses he could bring his Master if she found out. But nevertheless he nodded "Sounds good, do you need my help?" The man leaned his head now against the other's neck on the shoulder.

*Dabi looked down at the albino hair male, smiling and shaking his head.* "It's alright. You can go back and rest if you'd like, Jin shouldn't cause you and problems and Himiko will be out for a while finding "her wife." Besides, you look exhausted and I don't want to have to keep you awake all night." *With that being said, the half-breed planted a soft kiss on the alchemist's forehead.*

Tomura looked up to him "Do I look that tired?' he asked with a low voice giving a smile at the soft kiss. As the man gave a small nod he sighed. "Alright, where's your bed or wherever you sleep."

*The dragon's tail flicked back to the main area.* "Back on the ledge you were on a moment ago. There should be a mattress somewhere up there you can sleep on. We haven't exactly got much yet, and I was planning on getting more tomorrow, so I hope that will do for you."

Tomura gave a small smile. "It's good enough...But I will probably leave tomorrow very early so my Master won't be that mad. Though I doubt she'll let me out after that for a while since I need to focus on my studies," he stopped for a second seeming to look for the words trying to say something, "so I want to make the most of it...can...do you want to...sleep with me tonight." His eyes looked away but a sly blush crept itself on his face.

*The half-breed felt his own face heat up. However, he snickered and snaked his hands around Tomura's waist, slowly planting a soft kiss on the alchemist's lips.* "Whatever you want, Tomura." *He said in a low voice.*

"Mhm. I see you then Lab-Rat." Tomura kisses the dragon's check softly before letting go of him and shuffling into the main room. He looked around for a second to find the ledge. Luckily the mattress was right under it so he teleported it on the ledge. 'Luckily very short distance teleportation basically cost nothing.' he thought as he let his body flop onto it. He curled up facing the wall as he fell asleep.

*Dabi, once the alchemist was out of the room, sighed and turned around to start preparing the food. He allowed the two meats to cook over two different fires while he prepared the vegetables and berries he was going to use as seasonings. Once everything was done, he grabbed some makeshift bowls and started to divide the portions. The half-breed gave Jin his bowl, to which he thanked him, and left Toga's to the side in case she wanted to eat it later. Dabi then flew onto the ledge and looked at Tomura, smiling slightly as the alchemist slept.* -I don't want to wake him. Who knows what he's been through? But, he has to eat.-

Tomura noticed the man as the other let himself fall down. Turns out Tomura's body didn't let him rest as he wished and the sleep turned into cat rets. He called it that because he is rather aware of his surroundings but can't move or only if he pushes himself. The alchemist scooted over to the other and whispered with an unusual croaky low voice "Food..." as he pushed his noise into the other's chest.

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