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The man grabbed a mug and filled it with cold water, he did not care he just needed evidence that he was there. Then he teleported into his room and was greeted by Dabi laying on the bed. But before he could greet him or anything the alchemist grabbed him and teleported him to his own chamber. He rushed to the table and started looking for knifes while small glass vessels appeared out if thin air. "Turn as big as you can get in this small space." He finally found a small but sharp knife.

"Uhm. Okay?" *Dabi said, obviously very confused. Smoke began to coil around him as he shifted into his full form. His wings folded in close as his head came down to Tomura's height. When the dragon noticed the weapon in his hands, his eyes filled with flickers of fear and betrayal. His tail flicked slightly.* "Happy?" *He asked keeping his gaze away from Tomura so he couldn't say anything about his looks.*

"Very." The man stated as he let chains appear around him and pull him to the ground. "I do not know if this procedure will be very painful for you but I will try to heal it the best I can afterwards." He grabbed the dragon's snout and opened his mouth. With the back of the knife he tapped a few teeth before letting a vessel appear and using the knife to cut of small paper thin samples and teleported them in the glass. After a few seconds he let go and walked over to his leg.

*The much larger creature did not make a sound, but what his partner was doing surely hurt like hell. A bitter irony taste filled Dabi's mouth, signaling him that his mouth had began to bleed. Of course, he should have figured stuff like this would happen. This is what he signed up for when he decided to date a scientist. When Tomura began to carve at the dragon's legs, he held back his whimpers and yelps by biting down on his tongue. However, when the piercing pain shot through his wing, the abyssal dragon's tail lashed fiercely. Dabi flicked his head away from the side Tomura had been on, the weapon now in the creature's wing.*

"Dabi calm down!" He yelled the chains bringing the panicking dragon back to the ground. Tomura walked over to him as he got the black fog over his wing to lower it. "I'm sorry." He stated as he held in the wing. He breathed in as he pulled out the knife and held his hand immediately at it to heal him. It healed in seconds so Tomura decided to explain the situation while taking a sample from the dragon's claw. "So basically it feels like the council is babying him and I am supposed to give Kai now some samples. I will also have to work more with him in the future, but you can use this time for your own mission." He stood up to heal the leg and now had 3 samples. He let the chains disappeared "You can turn back now."

*The heir looked at him and slowly shifted back, now standing a good bit away from Tomura. He crossed his arms and examined his wing carefully.* "So...I'm leaving you again?" *He said bluntly, trying to hide any sense of sadness or fear in the idea. Of course, he wanted to work on his plan, but he wanted Tomura's help with it! He was smarter than Dabi was, he'd openly admit that, and was much better at thinking ahead. However, if him leaving again was the best thing, then he'd surely go.*

"If you want to then yeah, we can meet up from time to time somewhere to do lover shit, you know. But Dabi," the man took a few steps towards him, "it is no longer safe for you here. You can still stay but I am sure that in a week or three you will have to leave ." He paused "Look I'm not happy about it either, but trust me. Shit is about to go down and we are in the middle of that."

*The half-breed refused to face Tomura. He kept his arms crossed across his chest, his tail flicking anxiously.* -I don't care if we're in the middle of it!- *He wanted to say.* -So what? I can protect you! Hell, I'd set the whole world on fire for you! I'd rip the heads off of anyone you wanted! Just if it meant I could have a little more time with you.- *He then sighed.* -But no matter what, we can't even get one entire day with each other.- "When do you want me gone? I'll leave now if you'd like." *Dabi mumbled under his breath. He could feel his throat tighten, his oxygen refusing to help him, but he tried his best to ignore it.*

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Where stories live. Discover now