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The next morning, the parents were still sleeping until much later in the day. Kazuki hadn't slept so when the sun began to peek through the window of the room he and Tadashi were in, he crept out of the bed and made his way downstairs.

Everything looked new and unusual; he would have enjoyed exploring on different circumstances. Now he had no clue where his parents were, so he was just wandering around at this point.

After a while he heard noises coming from the end of the hall. It was the old man, slowly but surely making his way around the house. With the help if his stick and alchemy it seemed as if he actually had eyes. Instead of the holes where they were supposed to be. After a few seconds he heard the gentle voice "What are you doing here?" As he came closer.

Kazuki tensed up and spun around. Soon, his fear turned to curiosity as he eyed the man. He, much like his brother and sister, were very sheltered kids, being closed off in the woods all their lives. He had never seen someone look like him before. It was interesting.

"It seems that you do not know that either." The man stopped before him at first. He thought for a second before continuing "Is there anything I can help you with? You know you shouldn't just walk around a stranger's house, you don't know what you will see."

"Oh," Kazuki said, barely above a whisper, "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see my sissy."

After a few moments of silence the man tapped the ground with his stick to get his attention. "I don't think they would mind. It will be rather busy here later as well." He turned and started walking again.

The albino child watched the man trudge his way down the hall. Slowly, Kazuki followed, unsure if he was supposed to or not.

The man said nothing as they wandered around the halls. Most of them had things in cupboards but compared to their home it had no books at all. But a lot more gadgets and random stuff placed almost everywhere. After a while they came to a small room. "She should be alright." He opened the door to reveal the small room.

The pale and white-haired girl laid in the bed with multiple things around her. Including a table and some spell books and other stuff from Tomura. Her neck and arms were covered in bandages and she had scars that would peak put under them. Sleeping in bed peacefully.

"We will make sure to do our best to help her. I have contacted some friends to come, they have experience with such stuff." He explained hoping to calm the toddler down. Which he didn't expect to work since if was a 3 year old.

Kazuki stared at his sister. He then looked at the man. "Are the beautybreakers gone?" he asked softly.

"What...oh you mean the soul-eating roses...no. Still there but weakened." He explained.

"Oh," he sounded rather disappointed as he looked back at his sister. Hesitantly, he walked over and gently put his hand in hers. It was odd, feeling how cold her skin was compared to what it had used to be. It almost scared him. Frowning, he rested his forehead on her hand.

"If we can help her we will. She is strong but at the same time in her condition and with her quirks and imperfections a perfect victim for such flowers." He elaborated further but stopped himself from going too much into detail. "You can stay with her...but what is your name little one?" He asked as he came closer to check on her body as well.

"Kazuki," Kazuki sighed. He squeezed his sister's hand gently, looking at her.

"Okay and the other twin? I was never told your names." He asked afterwards as he got a syringe to inject some stuff into the girl to help her.

"His name is Tadashi. Papa and Daddy just call us Zuki and Dashi though," Kazuki muttered.

"I see...where is your brother? Still asleep?" He laid the now empty syringe away.

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