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-Big ol' timeskip-

The young girl walked along a small river until she found some stones as a way to cross it. She grabbed onto her white skirt, just in case, as she jumped from stone to stone with her bare feet. As she landed on the other side with extremely fluffy grass, she gave a small giggle. After a second of playing with the grass and moos with her exposed feet, another thing caught her eyes. A big vibrant blue butterfly. Without thinking, the girl went over to it slowly to not scare it away. As she came closer she leaned forward to get a better look as the thing which was as big as her Papa's hand, so huge in her opinion.

*The butterfly's wings fluttered for a moment before it burst off the flower it had been resting on, fluttering towards another set of trees.*

The small girl giggled as her mini tail, which was around 13 centimeters so unusual small, wagged like crazy as she didn't hesitate to follow it. She was fast as she had reached the butterfly again watching it excitedly.

*The insect bounced off the tree again and again, leading the girl further and further into the woods. Twist after twist, turn after turn the child chased the butterfly. After about 15 minutes, Coí had lost track of the insect.*

The girl looked around for the insect. She gave a sigh as it seemed to have vanished into thin air. She turned around to go back but as she looked around she wasn't in the part of the forest she knew. The normally light air was replaced with one that had a heavy smell of fir trees. And as she looked around, most were these. The forest was made out of way more fir trees in this part. She took a few steps back to see if she recognized anything, but she couldn't even tell where she came from.

*Even if it was bright out, most of this forest was filled with shadows as black as night. The more the girl stood there, the more they seemed to be growing, some even seeming to reach out for her.*

Coí gave a small hum as she jumped into a small place with light as she looked around. She tried to focus so she might be able to hear a river or some other water source, but there was nothing besides the wind and some birds. She looked around but spotted nothing new. Still unsure if she should run the opposite way in hope of finding something she stood there.

*A crow cawed off in the distance, somewhere perched on a tree.*

*A brunette boy sat boredly as he listened to his mother-Akira-ramble on with another lesson about alchemy. Totally not one he had heard a million times. He was interested in the magic, don't get him wrong, but this was preposterous. This was the same lecture, word for word, as the last days. And the last. And the last. The brunette's soft hazel eyes turned to the window, slowly zoning out. He longed to go out and possibly make his own spells, but his parents kept him inside as if the sunlight would kill him. Which, when he was younger, he believed. But now that he was mature.*

The girl shuddered as she turned her head to find out where that crow noise came from. Normally, it wouldn't scare her as much, but this place was especially weird and scary to her.

*Something swooped over her nearly hitting her in the head but barely grazing her shoulder.*

*The boy's foot tapped lightly against the floor, but he jumped when Akira cleared her throat, now suddenly standing before him. He looked up at her.* "Uh..."

The woman gave a small sigh before she just massaged the bridge of her noise "Since this seems quite pointless to me, you can leave." She just turned around the next second to write something down in a notebook she always carries around.

She gave a small surprised noise as she duck down with one hand protecting her head. She immediately looked around as she was crouching trying to find whatever almost hit her.

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