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Tomura looked around the room already feeling tears in his eyes 'No no no no no.' He instinctively went to the door and banged against it. "Master, you can't do that!!" As the touched the door handle an even stronger electric shock went through his body. Normally it wouldn't have effected him but now it was that was just needed to go over the edge. Tears rolled down the alchemist's face "MAster, WHY!!" his voice screeched high pitched. "I DID NOTHING WRONG!" Without thinking he put his pain in one single scream while holding his head. After the seconds of screaming uncontrollably he fell to the side and curled up against the door. "Master..." he gave a whimper "that's not fair."

*Akira stayed quiet, unaffected by the man's screaming. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.* "Maybe if you behave well and pass the exams, I'll see about allowing you to leave. But that's on my behalf." *With that, she walked away back up to her chamber.*

Tomura stayed like that for a while until he felt too exhausted to cry. When he looked up again he thought 'So time to get the best score.' The alchemist got back on his legs and went to his table to drink some water. 'Hopefully Master will give me food and drinks since I obviously can't leave. wait a sec...' Tomura stared at the door, he knew there was a cookie jar in the kitchen. 'Maybe I can....' the black blue fog concentrated in his hand. He was fully focused but nothing appeared in his hands. 'I could've guessed...she's good at this.' The man turned and went to his table to open a book and study it.

*The week went by and, like Akira had promised, Tomura had been trapped in his room. His master did bring him food and water and such, but only for breakfast and dinner. Soon, the exams had finally arrived. Akira was waiting for Tomura in their underground chambers with her arms crossed. When she saw him, she nodded.* "I hope you're ready, Tomura. No one else has ever made it this far." *With that, she handed him a paper. It had some certain tricks on it he'd need to preform as well as the things he needed for the spells. However, their seemed to be a new option. One listed as "Challenge." It said: "Bring a vile of a black dragon's blood back here to me."*

Tomura looked up to his Master and said "What does this challenge require. Like how much time do I get and does it has to be a black dragon and if so what is special about them?"

*Akira sighed.* "A vile full of it. It must be the black one because he is the strongest. Hell, if you brought back his severed head I'll possibly consider rewarding you!" *She grinned.* "It's a simple task!"

Tomura looked at the paper. He may not have shown it but he was panicking inside 'If I choose the dragon stuff she will suspect that I remember because it would be too easy. If I don't choose it then she might think that I know that she knows that I remember him. What if I am overthinking!! What if that is just a test!!...then why black dragon....from what I know the scale shit is because of hair and magic....if she thinks that I have my memories then that would explain why she would reward me. But if I don't have them and bring her the head then...' he looked up to her. "I'll do the spell. Do you need to watch me the entire time?" 'I hope that's the best and right option.'

*Akira sighed.* "Unfortunately, yes. And there was no choices, so you'll have to do both. Not just "I'll do this" or "I'll do that". The dragon will be...a final test of skill!" *His master nodded.* "If you can kill this dragon, then the council will have no choice but to but you into the highest area! That's what you wanted, isn't it?"

Tomura gave a nod but inside he felt like crying. In either versions he wouldn't see Dabi again, in one he would just kill him. 'Is that the price I have to pay for freedom...to lose the love of my life...then I don't want it...but I just want Dabi...I want a happy life with him and kids... shit...but there has to be another way.' he followed his master to their outside test area where she had prepared everything. 'I have to find another black dragon...I have to.' he followed her to the table still showing no emotions. 'But first I have to focus on this..if I fuck it up I'll be stuck here for even longer.'

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Where stories live. Discover now