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"You want to come get some breakfast?" *Dabi asked softly, his head tilting to the side slightly.*

Shoto looked at him and and moved his wings a bit "You gonna untie me? and yes, breakfast sounds nice." the half-breed looked around the house rather bored.

*The dragon nodded softly. Smoke coiled around his body, replacing the reptile with a human. Gingerly, Dabi took his brother's hands and untied the ropes. He then untied the ropes around his ankles.* -He shouldn't go anywhere. Besides, Tomura and I will both be here to stop him if he does.-

The young heir spread his wings, it felt good to finally be free again. He stood up from the couch his tail flicking from one side to the other inspecting the other. "Lead the way," he simply stated looking at his brother.

*The half-breed stalked ahead, making his way towards the kitchen. When he saw the alchemist, he gave him a soft nod.*

Tomura watched as the younger dragon entered the kitchen. He turned and lead the way for both of them to the table with oat flakes and the seeds as well as berries. "Hope that's simple enough." Tomura spoke turning to Dabi. "Any extra wishes Lab-Rat?"

"Damn, you make yourself sound like my slave or something." *Dabi huffed.* "And no, this is fine. Make sure you eat something yourself, Tomura."

The alchemist gave a low smile "Aww caring aren't you." he got just a bit closer to hush under his breath "my big bad dragon."

*The dragon's face heated up slightly at the nickname. He huffed and rolled his eyes.* "Shut up, you moron."

Tomura gave a sly smile "Come on, you're no fun." he gave a playful complain, but the turned on his heel to get himself some breakfast too.

Shoto, who watched this interaction from his seat looked at his brother while eating cereal calmly. "Pretty close..."

*Once again, the half-breed rolled his eyes. He folded his arms over his chest as his eyes landed on Shoto, hearing his faintly, calm voice. Dabi let out a short sighed as his tail swayed behind him.*

Shoto's eyes continued inspecting his brother while consuming the cereal. "I don't know if you're happy or mad right now."

*The tip of Dabi's tail jabbed into his brother's side.* "How's that for an answer?"

The male gave a short whimper from him. "Understandable." he said as he scooted away from the other. In that moment Tomura walked in with a bowl of cereal himself. As he inspected the situation he walked over to Dabi "Come Dabi, you should listen to your own advice." he gave him a small push with one hand towards his seat.

"Yeah, yeah." *Dabi huffed.* "Working on it." *With that, he made his way to the kitchen. There was a small, gently brush against Shoto's side as the half-breed walked by, seeming to be a silent apology.*

Tomura sighed as he sat down "Has he always been like this?" The alchemist shoved a spoon full of the oat flakes in his mouth.

"Depends, sometimes yeah sometimes not."

Tomura looked down at his bowl "By the way, I am sorry for...you know...trying to kill you."

*From the kitchen, the ravenette listened to the two conversate. He felt himself relax a little as, from what he heard, they sounded as if they had been getting along well. At least, for now they were.*

Shoto mumbled "I don't blame you nor do I hate you for the action." He pulled the bowl to his mouth to drink the rest of the milk in it.

Tomura stayed silent as he was now munching on the spoon in his mouth clearly thinking.

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