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Warning: Angst, Trauma and blood as well as surgery and other stuff. Also mild depression or a depressive spike.

The man smiled as he went outside with the boy in his arm.

Coí was walking next to him as she held onto his jacket with one hand.

*Kazuki ran off a little further ahead, Dabi keeping a close eye on him as he walked beside Tomura.*

The man hummed happily as he gently rocked the small boy in his arms. They continued walking and after a small while Coí handed Dabi her plushie to walk around as well.

The girl always would come back with flowers or other gifts such as sticks or nice rocks she found. She was always giggling happily when she handed her gifts over to Dabi since Tomura still held Tadashi.

*The dragon stored all the gifts in a brown pouch that rested in his hip. He glanced at Tomura and gave him a small smile, but the man didn't seem to notice.*

Tomura set Tadashi down as he tried to get the boy to join his brother. He stayed with him as he guided him around to find Kazuki pulling a frog out of its hideout. It was as big as Dabi's hand and a deep blue. The small boy had to hold it with both of his hands. The frog's feet were on the ground as the boy was not able to pull it up enough.

*Kazuki pouted but was determined and kept pulling.* "Come playyyyyy!!!!!"

The man gave a small chuckle "I don't think that frog wants to play with you." He crouched down before he picked it up with the boy. The frog moved to his hand as the alchemist could comfortably hold the frog in one hand. He had extended his thumb, and the frog had grabbed onto it with both his hands. Now the dialed yellow eyes looked around and examined the half-breeds.

*Kazuki pouted.* "Why not?"

"Well, the frog might not see your 'playing' as the same it wants to." He held the creature up to him.

The frog stayed where it was making no attempt to escape or anything.

*Kazuki stared at the frog for a moment before patting it.* "Good froggy." *He giggled.*

The alchemist hummed as he held the frog gently in place. "I guess, it is." He then looked over to the other twin. "You wanna pet the good froggy too?"

*Tadashi shook his head as he stood beside his sister, who was also staring curiously at the fat blue thing.*

The small girl walked closed and stretched out her hand as she gently pat the dark blue frog. It didn't move as Tomura held it gently. The girl seemed fascinated by the frog and continued to gently pat it.

*Kazuki tried to lean up to see it, but pouted when it failed. He huffed as his wings slumped behind him.*

The alchemist hummed as he saw that. He waited until Coí stopped petting the frog and held it out to his son. "Here you go." He held it before him so that the boy could hold the big frog.

*The boy looked at the frog and smiled brightly. He took it immediately and stared at it, his tail wagging rather quickly.*

The frog had nothing against it for a few moments. But then it's legs moved up and he suddenly jumped at the boy.

*Kazuki shrieked and bolted away, hiding behind Tomura's legs.*

The frog now on the ground quacked. It then jumped back into the bushes.

Tomura turned to the small boy and giggled "Did the frog scare you?" He asked as he crouched down to the small boy.

Coí on the other hand was long gone and now looking for something new and interesting.

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Where stories live. Discover now