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Tadashi and Kazuki both stared at the flowers. "Beautybreakers," they both muttered, looking at each other. There was a brief moment of debate between the two. Kazuki had seen these flowers before, Tadashi had almost picked one. But, after stealing one of Tomura's old books, they found out that they were deadly. Tadashi called them beautybreakers because they looked beautiful and alluring but could, legitimately, rip someone apart. Never had they thought that this was what was hurting their sister. Quickly, the two scrambled downstairs. Both of them, when arriving to the kitchen, slammed face-first into their parents' legs.

Tomura turned as he quickly wiped away the last tear and crouched down to them. "Did something happen? Are you two alright?" He asked concerned as he gently pat their head quickly and briefly checking on them.

"Beautybreakers!" they both shouted, pointing upstairs, "Beautybreakers!"

"What?" Dabi knelt down to them, "What is a Beautybreaker?"

Their other father shared the confused look. "What are Beautybreakers?" He asked them. From what it sounded like it was serious and very urgent. But he couldn't find out what they meant.

"Flowers!" Tadashi cried.

"Come to Sissy, now!" Kazuki grabbed their hands and tried to pull them, but because they were both adults and he was a child, it really didn't work well.

Tomura looked at the boy and stood up. He was a bit confused but their expressions told him that it was serious. So he followed them without hesitation. He gave Dabi a short look so that the dragon would do so as well.

Dabi followed along too.

Tadashi pushed open Coì bedroom doors to reveal the mess of flowers that covered her body, their snapping jaws attached to her skin.

As the alchemist saw his daughter like this he froze for a second. Then jumped forward. "Coì?!" His mind jumped left and right as his alchemy picked out a flower to take a closer look at it.

The flower let out an ear piercing screech, it's "head" shaking and spasming before eventually wilting in his hands.

He watched the flower head die. Within seconds he looked over to Dabi. "We have to go now. It is way more aggressive than it should be." He gave a scared look before explaining. "I'll free her, you take the twins."

Quickly, Dabi nodded. He took both the twin's hands and quickly led them outside.

The man's hands glowed up slightly in the grown crimson tone as it laid over the flowers. The alchemy mist made it's way to the roots of the ranks and cut them off. Tomura then quickly lifted her up as the flowers were screeching. With another spell he prevented more from blooming out of her broken bleeding skin, while healing it simultaneously. 'The flowers aren't supposed to be this bad, and definitely not feed from her alchemy. Perhaps some mutation...or worse...' he shook the thoughts off as he performed another spell before moving to his lab. He needed a few things to take with him, along books and ingredients also some to stabilize the weakened girl's body and immune system. 'Pleae hold on Coì, Daddy will fix this.'

Tadashi bit his finger a little as the three waited outside.

Tomura came outside some time later. He had a coat on and a bag floating besides him with alchemy stuff. Behind him was Coi who he had wrapped gently into Dabi's coat. He gave a small smile. "Do you all have everything, we won't be here for a small while?"

Kazuki gave Coì a nervous look. His wings and tail tucked in close as he looked at Dabi and Tadashi.

Tomura looked at both and sighed "I will take that as a yes." He muttered as mist firmed around them. Within seconds they were teleported to the doctor's house. Without wasting a second Tomura knocked against the door. "Hello? Scarface? Are you there?"

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