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Then the alchemist turned around again facing the stove.

*The half-breed shrugged simply and turned around and headed for the chambers. Cautiously, he opened the door and went towards the stumbling and whining creature.* -She's probably starving..If Tomura hadn't known about carnivorous creatures like her, then she probably hasn't eaten since he revived her.- *Dabi figured. He then carefully set the plate of raw meat close to her and stepped back a few paces, squatting down to watch her.*

The creature which was previously cuddling the blanket still under the effect of drugs rolled over like a puppy to inspect the plate in front of her. Her smaragdine colored eyes looked at the raw bird laying in front of her. She crawled a bit closer cowered over the plate. She sniffed at the flesh and then a black tongue came out of her mouth. As the dragon watched it turned out to be way longer than a normal human one. Just a split second after she had licked the bird her claws attacked it and were now deep in its flesh as she took out big bites basically inhaling the flesh.

*Dabi yelped in surprise and stumbled back. He watched the creature devour the flesh as he chuckled huskily.* "Right. You were starving, weren't you?" *He sat up just until he was on his knees. His wings folded in behind him as his tail coiled gracefully over his knees.* "I don't blame you for attacking us."

The grey human like creature looked up to him, on her plate was nothing but a couple big bones left she wasn't able to break with her teeth. Her slit like eyes focused on the man and she suddenly jumped in his direction growling. Dabi backed away instantly as the creature was at the ground again twisting her body fighting against the chains while chewing on them in hectic movements.

*Dabi hesitated before standing up.* "Sorry, ma'am. I'll.." *He looked at the door and sighed.* "I'll come back. I promise." *With that, he slipped out of the chambers and walked back into the main room. Dabi was about to go outside again but stopped when Shigaraki cleared his throat.*

"And? what did she do?" The man turned around again with his arms over his chest raising an eyebrow.

"She ate." *Dabi looked over his shoulder with a sort of glare.* "Without hesitation."

 Tomura went to him "Well it doesn't sound any better now." The alchemist had no idea what to say so he just went to the counter again and got the half of rabbit which was for her too. "Perhaps she still wants something, in the meantime you can go turn the stove on with your fire and get a pan as well as oil, it's the yellow liquid in the big cupboard, big flask you can't miss it:" The alchemist walked past him to go in the chamber.

"Be careful giving her that." *Dabi huffed as he walked by Tomura.* "She's starving. That's why she had been trying to 'attack us'. She just wanted food." *As he stalked by Tomura, he pat the cyanette's head. To his surprise, his hair was a lot softer than he thought. Dabi then made his way into the kitchen and pulled out the required materials.*

Tomura opened the door while trying to give the small head pat not too much thought. 'There are way more important things now Tomura, pull it together.' He told himself as he walked down the stairs the noises and screeching getting louder. As he reached the bottom he saw how his master got stuck in the chains, not too bad but it will still refrain her from to much movement. Her eyes instantly met his as he entered the room. "Hey Master? Do you feel better now?" He asked but only received a growl and a bitter look. "I'll fix this tonight." He promised as he laid the rabbit half on the plate which was a bit away from her. He saw that her eyes immediately focused on it so the man pushed the plate towards her just to see her inhale it with the previous speed. After that the creature pushed the plate away and crawled a bit closer to the wall resting against it. Tomura guessed she was full for now so he grabbed the plate and was pleased that she did not try to attack him again.

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