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*Tadashi tugged on Coí's arm.* "Sissy! Come play with me!"

The girl smiled as she gave a nod. She placed her black dragon plushie on the now clean table as she jumped behind him.

"Alright, but if you go outside just don't go away too far." Tomura yelled from across the room as he had overheard the children.

"Okay." the girl yelled back as she looked at her brother.

*Tadashi led her outside where the boys had a few toys on the porch. He hopped down the stairs and ended up falling off the last on and onto the cobblestone pathway. But he didn't make a single noise or seem to notice as he bounced right back up and turned to her with a smile.*

The girl gave a small hum as she followed him down "Where's Kazuki?" She asked as she looked around.

*Suddenly, a small weight bumped into Coí's back. Tadashi giggled.* "There!"

The girl turned and joined in the giggling. "So what do we want to play?" She asked as she stood next to the younger boy.

"Hide and seek!" *Kazuki giggled.*

"No! Knights and dragons!" *Tadashi huffed.*

"Well we can play whatever as long as we don't get lost or anything." She looked at her younger brothers. "But we can do one game first and then the other."

*The two boys looked at each and started bickering about what game to play.*

The girl said nothing, she didn't want to get between the two hot headed half dragon boys. She tried to always stay out of the conflict between the twins.

*Eventually the two just glared at each other and pouted. Tadashi looked at Coí.* "What do you wanna play, Sissy?"

"Well I am fine with both of them...but I do want to play hide and seek now." She explained as she didn't want the boys to continue fighting.

*Kazuki gave victorious grin.* "Yay!"

"Who wants to seek?" She asked as she looked at both of her brothers.

*The two half-breeds looked at each other and then both pointed at Coí.* "You!"

"Alright, to which number should I count?" She asked as she looked at the two excited half-breeds.


"Sure." The girl turned around and held her hands in front of her eyes to start counting. She counted slowly to give the boys enough time so that their game could begin.

*The two giggled evilly and ran off, splitting up for what seemed to be the first time ever.*

After the girl finished she started to look around the twins usual favourite spots to hide. In the bushes or behind the house, on the tree or behind the wall. After a while of searching she found Kazuki. The boy was hiding in his dragon form in a hole of a tree. He gave a loud whine as she pulled him out of his hiding spot.

*The dragon was obviously pouting as his sister held him. He didn't change back, however, but instead crawled into her shoulder—due to his size being so small—and perched himself there.*

The girl now continued her search with now a little and slightly bratty weight on her shoulder.

*Kazuki looked around where his sister didn't. His tail swayed against her shoulder blade as they looked for their brother.*

After a small while she found the boy hanging under the roof in his dragon form. He had somehow brought himself to fit in there as his tiny claws were holding on for dear life. After she spotted him she walked near the roof part to tell him she had found him. It was impossible for her to reach the dragon. 

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Where stories live. Discover now