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*Dabi dried his face off before looking in the mirror. He gently touched the scars under his eyes. No matter how much Tomura tried to heal them, they never stayed fully gone. The dragon sighed softly as he rubbed his face.*

The man made his way over to next to his mate as he cuddled him from behind. "Want some help?" he mumbled as he placed his head on his shoulder from behind.

*The half-breed looked over at him, shaking his head.* "No...I'm good."

"Alright..is there anything you want to do? We would now have time for ourselves.." he moved himself so that he was in front of the man and could directly look at him.

*Dabi shrugged.* "Not particularly. Is there anything you would like to do?"

"Well...we haven't done a lot for us in a while...so how about we go stargazing. The night is supposed to be clear." he looked at the half-breed in front of him. 

*Dabi smiled softly as he gently kissed his forehead.* "That sounds amazing."

He gave a smile as he then gently pulled his head a bit down for a kiss. After the small kiss giggled. "Should we go to the spot we were the last time?"

*The half-breed gave a soft nod of agreement.*

The alchemist kissed his cheek. "Well then let's prepare ourselves a bit. It's still not darkish outside." He went to the closet to get two coats for him and the dragon.

*Dabi nodded. He followed Tomura out of the bathroom.* "Any snacks would would like to bring in case we're out for too long?-"

"Well what do you have in mind?" He asked as he got out a small fluffy blanket as well since he really liked that one.

"Well small things for sure..." *He thought for a moment.* "We still have those little pastries we set aside for ourselves."

"Sounds good, there should be a basket I usually use for fruits and other stuff in the shelf near the supply cupboard."

*Dabi nodded. He made his way down to the kitchen and grabbed the basket Tomura had been talking about. Before he fully left his and Tomura's room, he also grabbed a small black bag and stuffed it into his pocket. Giving the pocket a weary feel, he started to pack the basket again.*

The other man packed the coats and blanket in a small backpack before he cleaned the room a bit and got some comfortable clothes ready for when they would return. He gave a smile as he existed the room to walk down the stairs to the kitchen.

*The dragon turned to Tomura when he came downstairs. He smiled softly and kissed his forehead.* "Hello there, beautiful ."*

"Hello, did you pack everything?" He gave him a hug as he couldn't stop smiling.

*Dabi nodded as he snaked his arms around Tomura's waist.* "Yep. All our snacks are good to go. Are you ready?"

The man hummed "Yeah." He let Dabi grab the basket before he teleported them to the place up on the mountain. As Tomura had said, the sky was flawless and all the stars shined as bright as ever. He looked at the dragon as he took his hand to lead him to the familiar rock.

*The half-breed followed Tomura. He gently squeezed his hand when they arrived at the spot. Carefully, Dabi helped Tomura up onto the rock before sitting on the edge beside him.*

The man hummed as he leaned against him. "Do you remember the last time we were here? I was like 3 months something pregnant with Coí. She was just barely visible..." He cuddled his arm.

*Dabi smiled as he nodded.* "Yeah, of course I remember." *He looked down at his mate and kissed his head.*

He gave a small laugh. "And now look at our Coí. She's already a big girl learning how to read and write.."

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Where stories live. Discover now