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*Dabi huffed softly as he laid his head against Tomura's neck, mumbling something under his breath. However, his tail completely compelled to his slight irritation.*

The alchemist gave a smile happy that the situation turned and Dabi was against his shoulder again. 'My dork.' he thought as he lifted his head up to feed him a piece of cucumber. "I love you too Dabi." he purred.

*The ravenette snickered and bit the vegetable before pecking Tomura's lips with a smile.* "Love you more, Lab-rat."

Tomura taunted at that "Hey that's your nickname." as he fed the other a piece of carrot with dip before kissing his check.

"Don't see why. I'm the complete opposite of that!"

"Oh really?~" the man purred as his lips came close to Dabi's but they didn't quite touch yet. "And what makes you think that?"

*Dabi hummed with a smirk.* "I dunno." *He trailed a hand up his waist.* "Why don't you show me? Lab-rat..~" *He groaned the name in a low voice against Tomura's ear.*

Tomura felt a shiver go down his spine as he teleported both nearly full tablets away and pushed Dabi into the mattress with his legs grabbing onto the other's waist as he was on top of him. "I'll show you how much of a Lab-Rat you are~" he purred as he connected their lips into a sloppy but loving kiss full of passion.

*The ravenette groaned softly into the kiss, his hands moving from Tomura's waist to his cheeks and then neck. Softly, he bit his lover's lip, asking for entrance. To his annoyance, it was declined teasingly.*

The man pulled away an inch. "Look who's the needy one here? You want me to take you like a good boy, am I right~" He gave a soft chuckle at the end. "Well let me tell you. Now it's my turn~" he went of the other and black chains instantly grabbed onto Dabi's wrist and dragged him over the bed to the bed end and fixated his wrists there. "Look at you." Tomura took his already half unbuttoned shirt of. "Being such a good Lab-Rat ready for the test."

*The dragon squirmed slightly, clearly have been taken by surprise. He watched as Tomura crawled over top of him and winced when the alchemist's cold fingers cupped his cheek.*

"Aw, don't chicken out now. We haven't even started." He took Dabi's head and pushed it up closer to his mouth "Bad Lab-Rat...Looks like I have to punish you~"

*Dabi blushed softly as he looked away slightly.* "Tomura." *He muttered under his breath as his hue got darker.*

Tomura's hands went over the man's covered chest before he found what he was looking for, his nipple. The man brought it between his thumb and index finger and applied a serious amount of pressure on it. "Tomura what honey~ speak up or do I have to punish you more?"

"You," *The half-breed groaned at the man's touch. He squirmed slightly.* "Y-You fucking tease."

Tomura chuckled "But that's the fun bit Dabi~" He twisted the poor nipple now receiving a moaned groan from the other. "Well aren't you sensitive." he hummed as his hands went up to unbutton the shirt taking his sweet time.

*The half breed panted softly. His tail coiled around Tomura's waist, trying to pull him closer.* "You asshole." *He managed out, yelping as Tomura bit his neck harshly.*

"A Lab-Rat shouldn't speak up to its Master." he gave a grin his index finger going up his chest "Looks like I have to punish you again. What a shame~" His head went up and watched the dragon as his finger came across his other nipple and he flicked it with his finger while giving a sly smile.

*Dabi whimpered, his tail tip twitching.*

The man gave a chuckle "Now shall we continue our experiments?" It wasn't really a question but rather a 'I'll do it'. The man watched Dabi as he kissed his chest coming to the other nipple while his fingers were now holding onto the left. He licked over it and looked at Dabi as he threw his head back giving a loud groan. The man then bit down on it.

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