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*When Tomura arrived to the house, he was shocked about how large the building was. They weren't kidding about good land. The building was slightly bigger than a mansion yet smaller than a castle. It would ensure good durability and size for larger experiments and spells. When Tomura came inside, he was met by a brunette, who had not yet noticed his arrival. However, the raven that was perched on his desk did. It began to screech and caw as it flew up and flew around Tomura's head, pecking and nipping at his head and hair. The brunette looked over and rushed over, grabbing the black bird out of the air.* "That's enough, Shi." *He snapped, clamping his hand around the beak of the creature. He then turned to Tomura and bowed.* "My apologies. I assume you're Tomura Shigaraki?"

"Correct. So you must be Overhaul?" Tomura stood in front of him with the fancy wooden box next to him.

*Overhaul gave him a slight nod.* "Just call me Kai. We'll be here a while, and Overhaul will kind of get old by that point." *The brunette released his raven and scratched it's chin as it landed on his shoulder.* "You're room is upstairs down the hall and on the last down on the right. You have the roof chambers as well. Anything else is free for the taking."*

"I see, well then if you won't mind I will take my leave." Tomura turned but as he opened the door to find a literal maze in front of him he turned his head back. "Would you please escort me to my room. It shall be the only time you'll have to waste your time on that matter." He spoke calmly as he looked at Kai.

*The brunette alchemist nodded and began to lead the way. He kept quiet, seeing how distant and cold Tomura's eyes were. He could sense something was wrong, but he decided not to push on about it. When they arrived to Tomura's room, Kai bowed to the albino haired male and walked the opposite way.*

Tomura's eyes followed the other for a second until he opened his room and immediately locked the door behind him. He couldn't keep it bottled up any longer. Even if he had killed his love and would resurrect him it still hurt like hell. Tears started to form in his eyes as he took of his coat and threw it on a chair next to the door. He did not pay any attention to the beautiful room he got. The interior was in nice pastel brown with a bed for like royalty with the softest mattress Tomura would ever feel. With a giant walkable closet and huge mirror on one wall with stones as decorations. Also the huge bookshelves and plants inside or the beautiful painting of a sunset. He just fell on the carpet on the floor and whimpered as tears ran down his checks. He curled up close to the bed and just silently cried. It just hurt, not seeing him for a week, then killing him and on top of that being around someone else when he wanted to be alone.

*Kai turned to the raven as he came back to his work space.* "Council said he killed a dragon." *He chuckled.* "The prince no less! Oh the lies they're starting to come up with!" *The brunette shook his head with a soft laugh.* "I don't think we'll ever come close to understanding."

Tomura finally calmed himself down after what felt like hours. He looked up from his position to the still closed door. Now his puffy red eyes started to see how beautiful the room was. As he stood up and turned he even saw a balcony but decided not to go outside. The man went into the closet the get changed in simpler clothing. A black button up and a black trouser as well as get rid of all the jewelry, but he kept his hair half bred up. 'I'll see what they have in the kitchen.' Tomura thought as he walked out and looked into the mirror to make sure he doesn't look that horrible. His eyes and nose were still a bit red so he hoped to not walk into the other on his way. As the man walked through the house he wondered where would be the best place the resurrect his lover. The man needed a place to keep him also until he becomes sane again. He sighed as he walked into the kitchen.

*Kai was no longer in the room anymore. Through the kitchen window, a soft and beautiful sunset was visible. The soft reds and oranges mixed beautifully with the soft violets and purples outside.*

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