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*The room had stayed in the same details it had bared before. Nothing changed except for the coloring in the sky outside, which was now a pitch black. Night had falling. As Tomura sat in his panic, he felt a slight weight on his right thigh and a dip in the bed. When he looked over, he realized it was Dabi. The half-breed was laying there on the bed, his eyes closed. There were light, glistening streaks down his cheeks proving how worried he was. But now he was asleep. Or possibly unconscious.*

The alchemist carefully brushed through his hair with the back of his hand afraid he'd kill him like he did with the man in his dream. As he did that he instantly noticed his black nail, they were not longer, rather sharper. 'God what did I get myself into.' the man sighed and lifted his boyfriend up with a black dark red fog keeping him in the same position as before. As he did that he noticed that it was somehow easier than usual, like lifting a feeder. The man stood up and went to the mirror to be shocked as he looked inside. His white hair was now less messier but now just a beautiful silky mass, no knots no unevenness, nothing. His skin was still pale but now a whiter pale, with some of his scars fixed, he still had them but they were less now. His crimson eyes seemed to be glowing. And there were these weird black patterns which looked like veins around his neck arms an probably on his entire body. He continued starring at his own reflection, it looked beautiful but deadly at the same time. He sighed "Ugh what a dr-!" His voice was darker but also way clearer. 'My voice too!!....at least it's not that croaky now...I'll go check on Kai.' He teleported into the man's room which was normally not allowed but this was not normal at all. He was surprised that the room was filled with books and experiments. But even though it was rather dark he could see suspiciously good. That's when he saw Kai sitting in front of the window to the balcony staring out with his crow on his shoulder. His entire upper body having scars and small bandages.

*The brunette sighed heavily after a moment, not bothering to turn to Tomura.* "What do you want from me? Why of all people did you have to be assigned to work with me?" *Kai asked as he looked at Shi.*

Tomura looked at the man gazing upon his scars, he was wondering if the black spikes made some different damage too that cannot be healed with alchemy. But then he poke softly because he had no intent of getting loud now. "I was brought to you. The council told me that we were both gifted so we might be able to understand each other." he paused and looked at the crow, then to Kai. "But I've been meaning to ask, what's up with that crow Shi?"

"Raven." *Kai corrected.* "And she was assigned to me by my master." *He looked at Shi, who glared at Tomura.* "My job was to bring her back to life with the chemicals and magic given to me. Just like all of these beings." *He motioned to the glasses behind Tomura.*

Tomura's eyes watched all of them closely. The beings were birds, snakes, geckos and something that looked like a deformed cat. They all had little imperfections, like a single rip hanging out, a missing eyes, missing leg and all that, nevertheless they all acted like real animals. "I see." Tomura's eyes shifted again to the other's injured upper chest and back. There was a tingling feeling in his stomach, a feeling of confidence that he could fix that since he caused it. "Do you want me to try and fix that wound? Just see it as me returning a favor."

*Kai side-eyed him, narrowing his eyes slightly. However, he didn't show any sort of protest, so Tomura too initiative that it was okay for him to try. The brunette watched as Tomura came closer to him, sitting in the window before him.*

"Tell me if it becomes too painful, I might try some stuff out." As he then did not reply again Tomura assumed it was an okay from him. He put his hand up and touched the other's back. Kai suddenly shivered, it was like a dead person touching him. "Calm down." Tomura spoke as he shifted his hand and undid the bandages to look at the overall damage he had caused. His eyes inspected the wound as he noticed small splitter of the black spike still in the wound which meant inside him too. He brushed over one and pushed the flesh around it aside, it looked like the spike was killing the cells around it which made them turn black and rotten. Tomura decided to inspect the rest as well to judge how big the issue actually is.

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