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White longish hair up in a bun. Some black and dark green clothing. The clothes were rather loose, and the black veins on his neck and scales lower around his collarbone were visible. He looked down at the girl who instantly looked away. "Coí." His dark voice spoke as his bright crimson eyes looked at the girl for a second. "What are you doing here?"

*The smaller boy looked up at him. He stared at him with interest and curiosity while Hoshi mewed happily and trotted over, nudging against the man's ankles.*

Shigaraki looked down in surprise as he recognized the black cat. In slight confusing he looked at his daughter and then went on his knees. "First of all I wanna know how you got here? Secondly," he picked up Hoshi gently and put him in his lap. "Where did you find him?"

Coí scratched her neck for a second "Well...I got lost...and ran....then I went down the river and up again."

The man gave a soft hum "You're a horrible liar." He looked past her to the boy in the bushes. "And you can come out."

*The boy kept his gaze on Shigaraki for a few moments before slowly coming out. Unlike before, his face was cold and unreadable, like Akira's normal resting bitch face. He folded his arms behind his back and glared at Shigaraki.*

Tomura couldn't hold a small chuckle back. The kid had the exact face his former Master would put on daily. He looked at Hoshi and then again at the kid. "So where does he fit into the story Coí?" he asked the girl.

"He sort of helped me but that's all." she said as she walked over to stand a bit behind him.

"Well," he looked at the boy now as he gently pushed Hoshi off his lap and stood up. "Tell Akira she should have a better eye on you." he picked up the girl and disappeared in the black mist.

*Soran stared at where the two had been standing. He looked down at Hoshi as he mewed rather sadly and dug at the dirt where Tomura had once been. The brunette sighed.* "Come on, Kitty." *He turned and started to leave.* -How does he know her?-

Tomura let the girl down as he was in their living room again. He gave a sigh as he crouched down to her "What did I say about going out of the permitted part?"

"To not do that."

"And you did do that." he looked at the girl as he motioned with his finger that she should turn.

The girl did as told and felt his hand gently brushing over her dress.

"Change first. And wait in your room. I'll talk to Papa meanwhile." he gave her a small pat on the back, telling her to go. The man then stood up and went to the kitchen where the dragon was before he left, trying to feed the twins some noodles.

Akira opened the door to Soren's room "Kiddo, didn't you hea-" she stopped as she didn't spot the cat nor the feline which was nearly always with him. Her eyes just needed to spot the open window to find out what he did. 'That brat..just wait,....okay calm down..' she sat down on his bed to wait for him with crossed arm, making sure to be out of the view from the window in his room.

*The boy checked behind him as he walked through the forest. By now, he knew he had upset a goddess, so he wanted to make sure he wasn't being followed. Every time he looked, to his relief, no one was around. After a while of exploring, he looked at the sky.* "We should head back now." *He said to the palisman.*

*The dragon used his wings to block his face, which was already covered in food, as the twins flung their bowls. Again. He groaned as the two giggled like maniacs.*

Tomura gave a smile as he walked over and picked up the light haired Tadashi. "Well would you look at that mess." He smiled as he got a piece of cloth to clean up the boy's face. "Why are you two being so mean?" He smiled as he placed him back down onto his seat.

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