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Later that day the two were in the patient room again looking at Akira and discussing what to do with her.

Tomura was awake as well but stayed mostly quiet with all his attention given to the unconscious Dabi. Playing with his hair or placing his hand against his stomach or even kissing his forehead.

"As far as I am concerned her body seems to react positive to the medicine. Nothing weird or out of order." The man spoke.

Hoshi had abandoned Zatsu entirely and offten switched with Akira and Tomura's beds. But when they injected the medicine into Akira, he was kicked off of her bed. So, instead, he took a protective spot in front of Tomura's stomach, arching himself around it.

"That's a relief," Zatsu sighed.

Tomura brushed through the cat's fur as he gave a small smile. "You like her too don't you?" He whispered.

"Indeed, but we still do not know anything about her mental state. However, I know that she will wake up soon and then we can take a closer look at her." He pat her head a few times before moving on to Dabi.

Zatsu's eyes followed him before sitting on the edge of Akira's bed. Her hand gently laid on top of Akira's, being gentle with her.

Hoshi mewed softly.

Tomura tried to pull the cat closer to him as the doctor came but his akchemy took took the cat and placed him in Zatsu's lap. "You need to eat now if you want your child to survive." Tomura's bed rolled a bit away from Dabi's as he got the plate.

The man looked up to him but instead of complaining he stayed silent.

"Here." The plate was placed on his lap as the doctor leaned over the dragon's body.

The younger alchemist looked over to him but started eating still watching closely.

"I might perform a spell or two on him. To help the healing process." He explained to Tomura to calm him down. "I would have done it anyway but saving and operating three people at once is a bit much." He turned his focus back on Dabi starting to whisper words and holding his hands over his head and chest. The hands glowed up as mist laid onto his forehead and slowly dissolved creating a few symbols.

Hoshi perked up as he was moved so suddenly. Meowing loudly in complaint, the feline hopped away from his creator and curled up beside Akira.

Tomura just watched the man in hopes as he ate another piece of the lukewarm egg.

Scarface continued his work for ten minutes and after that the man looked indeed more healthier. He removed the bandages over his face and gently brushed over the new pinkish skin. "I healed most of the burns as well as his organs. He should be in a good condition now." The man explained as he pulled out a needle for Dabi.

Zatsu watched Scarface work in silence, taking in everything he did. She figured that she might as well learn something useful during her time here.

At last the man brushed gently across his arm before sighing. "He should be alright now, still I expect him to not wake up today but rather tomorrow or the day after that." He explained.

Tomura gave a nod as he lifted up his plate with his hands to show that he was done and wanted to be moved closer to his lover.

The empty plate floated up and as the elderly man walked away his bed rolled back into its place.

The man instantly hugged his mate gently and kissed his face. "I love you Dabi...more than you could ever imagine."

The woman smiled sadly at the two. She was glad Dabi had found someone he could fully trust and someone that could trust and love him in return.

"He needs to rest." The doctor spoke. "As well as you, your body is still not a hundred pozent good. If you rest today maybe tomorrow you'll be good enough to not be in bed. Then we can change the bandages." He paused. "But before that I will perform a few spells on you."

Tomura gave a nod as he moved back to lay in his bed. "Okay..."

"Then let me start now." He muttered before his hands glowed up again to heal the man.

Zatsu glanced at Akira, gently squeezing her hand before moving it back. She sighed softly as she examined the room around her.

It was a very clean room. Near the room he always performs surgery in. It was plain nevertheless but since it was just for recovering patients it was enough.

After a while he was done. "I believe I was able to heal everything, your body really made a speedy recover. Still I believe that you should be in bed for today and keep the bandages on just in case."

The man nodded as he gently turned his body to face Dabi.

Meanwhile the doctor looked at the woman. "That's all I can do for them today. I will leave now, do as you please but please do not let that cat jump around too much."

Zatsu nodded softly, "I'll make sure he won't, though he'll more likely stay with Akira the entire time."

"That's okay. She is covered in the feline's hair anyway at this point." The doctor gave a small bow as he left again to continue with his normal business.

The alchemist watched him make his leave before turning back so she was able to clearly see everyone in the room. It was silent now, as quiet as the dead.

This continued for the entire day and the man came back at night to throw the woman in her bed. He also checked on the patients but nothing had changed. When the next morning arrived he got Tomura out of the bandages and helped him get to the kitchen to eat some more food. Now the full man was sitting on the bed with Dabi's head in his lap gently playing with his hair while talking to him. Telling him how much he loved him but also that the doctor wanted to talk to both of them since he had noticed something. He did not let his words bother him just now, his mate was now his main focus.

The dragon was still unconscious, or semi-conscious but did not have enough strength to fully wake up. His body didn't move as he was moved to Tomura's lap besides his chest rising and falling shakily.

Zatsu lay on her back, staring at the ceiling in silence. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't bring herself to sleep. Every time her eyes would close, her skin would begin to crawl or her limbs felt as if they were being tugged slowly off of his body.

Tomura gently kissed the man again as he brushed through his hair. "Take your time. I will love you no matter what." He looked over to Zatsu who looked horrible. "Are you alright? You have huge eyebags...is there any way I can help you?" He asked trying to make up for what the woman did the other day.

Zatsu looked at him and smiled, seeing his effort. She sat up and shook her head. "It's alright, Tomura. I'm fine. Trust me, it's been worse." Saying this, she slid off the bed and stretched her arms over her head. She still wore the bandages around her torso, which had just been changed yet looked as if they hadn't, and her bra—since she had just a ruined tank-top and didn't think about spare clothes when she went back to the palace. The alchemist then moved back to where she had been sitting the night prior and picked up the book on gods and goddesses, turning to where she left off.

Tomura gave her a sad look but decided not to bother the woman and turn his attention back to Dabi. Gently brushing through his hair while readjusting his head against his stomach. 'Now you can be even closer to her...you are so amazing Dabi..'

The room was completely silent for what felt like hours on end. The sun slowly crept into the sky, but it felt like time only slowed down in the silence of the room.

Tomura had leaned against a pillow and was reading a book he had found in the room. He wasn't particularly interested in it, but it killed the time as he continued. He did not use any alchemy so that his body could recover from what it had gone through. Time passed by quickly until he sighed and closed the book again as he had finished it.

Hoshi adjusted his face against Akira's cheek, meowing softly and sadly as he nudged her. Zatsu looked over and sighed softly, leaning over to scratch his head. "I know Buddy," she whispered, "I miss her too."

1470 words

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