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*Soren slipped into the front door. Luckily, Akira wasn't there and Zatsu was still out getting ingredients and such for something she had been working on. He gave a heavy sigh and shook his head.*

The woman walked out of Soren's room now looking around the house to find him. Only to see him near the front entrance with Hoshi. She gave a small groan as his teleported behind him. "Where the fuck were you?" She had her hand on his shoulder.

*The brunette jumped and looked at her. Hoshi squirmed out of his arms and ran up Akira's arm, perching himself on her shoulder.* "I..."

"Yes young man?" She gave a groan as she pulled him into the living room behind her. "What the hell were you thinking?!" She pushed him onto the couch. "Do you know what could have happened??"

*Soren sat on the couch with his head down. He listened to her lecture on and on about the dangers of the world, scolding him a little too harshly for his age as her voice rose every now and then. Soren didn't say a word as tears filled his eyes. When Akira finally stopped her lecture, the entire house fell silent. The brunette boy kept his head down; he couldn't bring himself to face her.* "I'm sorry." *His voice was barely audible.*

Akira gave a small scoff "A sorry won't fix this." She sighed afterwards. "Go to your room. I will talk to your mother about this later. And don't worry. The window is already locked." She turned away as this conversation was over for her.

Coí gave a gasp as Tomura led her into his office. "It's all I can show you for now. You still need more knowledge to come in the lab with me. But let's start now shall we." He took her on his lap and opened a book. It was one of his older notebooks with sketches. "I will read it to you." He cleared his voice as he started.

*Soren did as he was told. As soon as he was in his room, he bit his lip and kicked the door with a new sudden wave of incredible strength. From the dent his foot left on the door, green glowing "veins" sprouted. The brunette stared at them curiously. In almost a second, the veins exploded into thick, dark green vines. Soren let out a yelp of surprise as he was overthrown and trapped against the wall. He groaned loudly as he laid trapped against the vines.* "I hate it here..." *He whispered to himself.*

Akira was in the kitchen before she went outside to wait for her wife as well as lit up her pipe. She knew she needed to calm down.

Tomura was reading his old notes and explaining the sketches to the small girl in his lap who asked questions from time to time. He enjoyed this a lot. It was so much different from how he was taught. But then again he could read and Coí could barely read.

*After finally getting himself out of the vines, Soren crawled through the now cramped space and up into his hiding spot through stairs he found in the wall that went to the roof. He wiped his eyes and pulled his knees to his chest, holding them close.*

*About an hours later, Zatsu returned. She looked at Akira, who was still outside, and sighed.* "Okay. What's with the face?" *She set her basket down and crouched down in front of her wife.*

"It's just..." She looked aside and then to her again. "It's Soren." She mumbled "He went out and I can basically smell the flowers in the Oshima Forest on him. He knows how dangerous it is there and overall!" She yelled at herself "Why would he even run away?!" She looked at her wife.

*The woman tilted her head.* "Wait wait...how did he even get into that place? Isn't it like...five miles away? Is he okay?"

"He went through the window. It's now locked...and I am not sure myself..but that doesn't change my feelings towards the situation..he knows better..and he's in his room if you want to talk to him." She looked away from her into the forest. She noted mentally 'So like inhumane stamina on top of all that...'

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