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"It's alright." *Zatsu rubbed her sides gently.* "I may not know what the reason is for you using them...but I guess I can't always keep those heavier things away from you." *She pulled Akira's hair up so it was out of her face and away from her neck.*

The woman gave a small hum as she then tried to clean up her mouth with water. After a few seconds she was finished and looked at her again. Without hesitation she went in to hug her as her arms wrapped around her torso and gently held onto her. Her head placed on her shoulder as she stayed silent.

*Zatsu's hand gently rubbed her head as her other hand held Akira's waist. She kissed her head softly as she rubbed her head.*

The female alchemist definitely enjoyed this as her breathing was now completely calm. After a while she gave a sigh as she hummed "Can I go to bed...I think I need to sleep over the situation before doing anything... unthoughtful again.." she held onto her as she kissed her neck softly.

*The woman nodded.* "Of course. I won't stop you from resting." *She kissed her head again before asking.* "Want me to walk you upstairs to our room?"

She gave a soft hum. She knew she would just end up crashing into something if she would walk by herself. And that just meant more cuddles from her wife who already started leading her to their shared room.

*Zatsu was careful the entire way up, keeping her wife against her so she wouldn't trip and fall on anything. When they got to her room, Zatsu laid her down and covered her up before kissing her head softly.* "Get some rest, Gemstone...I love you."

"I love you...so so much Zat'." She hummed before closing her eyes and almost instantly falling asleep.

*The woman smiled a little and gave her another soft kiss on the head. She was about to shut the door before Hoshi ran in and hopped onto the bed. Zatsu watched her palisman curl protectively with his creator's partner and fall asleep.* "Okay then." *Zatsu snickered before shutting the door. She then went back downstairs to begin cleaning again.*

Tomura gave a soft groan as he was woken up by someone pulling at his arm. As he looked around he spotted Coí standing next to the couch with her plush dragon. "Is something?" He softly asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Can I join?.." she mumbled as she looked down.

"Of course, wait a second." He moved Dabi gently off him so there was space between the men for the small girl. He then let her float up and brought her between them.

*The half-breed groaned softly as his wings twitched at the sudden movement. He then buried half his face into the pillow again.*

The small girl gave a giggle as she was turned to face her Dad. "Thank you."

"No problem." He gently rubbed her back as the girl now rested against his chest. He looked down at her before he looked at his sleeping mate. He gently moved closer so that her back would touch his chest so that the dragon knew what's up.

*It took the dragon a moment but one of his arms wrapped around her while his wing spread over top of the two.*

Coí gave a small hum as she clearly enjoyed this now slightly curling up to get more comfortable as she was resting with her parents.

*The dragon kept half his face buried but his arm around Coí, holding her protectively.*

The group slept for a while until Tomura looked at the clock. It was 4pm and therefore time to wake up the twins. He gave a smile as he kissed his daughters forehead and then Dabi's. "Wake up. It's time to wake up the twins." He hummed and kissed him again as he gently lifted his body up.

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Where stories live. Discover now