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Tomura, on the other hand, was now sitting by the lilies. A moment later, he decided to get something to eat as he started to lift himself up with the help of his alchemy. But his body instantly bolted up as a wave of pain ran through his body. He leaned against his wall of alchemy to support him as he breathed heavily. The alchemist tried to get his breathing under control as well as his heartbeat. In his head he counted the second but was interrupted by another wave of pain. 'Fuck..' he cursed in his mind. Earlier he had not noticed it that much due to the medicine and his high pain tolerance. But now, since the medication had lost sone of it's power, he could feel it in his bones. He looked around to see if his vision worked and everything before he teleported himself back to the castle to his midwife Ranya.

The woman bolted up as she saw the king leaning against the wall. "Your highness. Do you think it is time?" She came closer to help him move.

He gave a nod "Yeah.. pretty sure..." He was sat down by her. "And tell Shoto Todoroki that he should get Dabi... it's urgent." He have a groan as he leaned back.

The dark haired woman gave a bow "Of course. You know what to do."

"Yeah yeah breathing and all that." He gave a chuckle as he leaned against the bedframe to get changed into fitting clothes. Aka, almost none.

*The half-breed stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants. He looked around the yard nod hummed proudly.* -No doubt he's going to love this!-

The woman had made it to the throne room as she looked for the other man. He was usually there talking to the kitchen boy. And they both were they. Ranya speeded towards the dragon as she tapped his shoulder.

Todoroki turned away from Izuku as he looked at Ranya. "Is something?" He asked.

The woman took his arm and pulled him a bit away "Tomura requested Dabi to come as soon as possible. He went into labour." She explained to him.

The prince gave a nod now serious. "I'll tell him."

"Thank you, and Tomura is in good care with me." She bowed as she watched the dragon talk a few words to the elf before running out of the throne saal.

"Okay, so everything is pretty much cleaned up." *The dragon spoke to himself as he stuffed his hands into his pockets a while later.* "Everything is set up and put away, the house is clean and free of bugs and pests. I think we should be able to come soon." *He let out a soft breath as he made his way to the front door, only to be met by Shoto.*

The man was breathing heavily as he gasped for air. "D...Dabi..." He breathed out as he held one arm up. "I...I.."

*The dragon made his way to his little brother.* "What's going on? Is everything alright?"

The man took in a few breathes before he spoke "It.. it's Tomura...he went into labour." He coughed at the end.

*Dabi's eyes went wide for a minute. He gave a brief nod as he stepped away from Shoto and the house, shifting into his full grown dragon form.*

Shoto on the other hand went to sit down on the ground. Too exhausted to chase his brother back to the castle. He could just watch the dragon take off and speed through the sky.

*Dabi had never gone so fast in his life. Not even when his father was chasing after him, threatening him with death. He knew he should have stayed back with Tomura and let the house wait another day or two. He shouldn't have pushed the feeling away.*

Ranya held his hand as she gave him instructions the best she could. "Well from your state it is pretty difficult to say anything, normally a birth shouldn't proceed so fast."

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Where stories live. Discover now