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Time flew by fast until Tomura was woken up by the small Coí whining in his arms. He gave a groan as he then looked down at her and gave a hum as he kissed her forehead. The man then gently pulled at Dabi's sleeve to wake him up as he whispered "Dabi..Dabi.."

*The half-breed groaned softly, humming soon after.* "Hm?"

"Can we get up..I wanna get properly dressed and Coí as well, I think she is a bit cold." he said as he lifted his body up holding the small girl close to him.

*Dabi nodded softly as he got up. He slid off the bed and carefully helped Tomura up while the alchemist held their daughter.*

Tomura gave a soft groan as he needed to support himself with the help of Dabi. His body was still exhausted from giving birth. "M...my clothes are over there." He pointed at a shelf as he held the girl protectively in his arms.

"Alright. Stay here, okay?" *He kissed Tomura's head quickly and gave Coí one last loving glance before going to Tomura's pile of clothes.*

The man waited patiently for him to return. When Dabi did with his comfortable clothes he let them float up. "Please hold her." He hummed as he removed the small girl from his chest to give her to her Papa.

*The half-breed carefully held their daughter close to him, looking down at her. He smiled and lightly kissed her head.* "Hello there, Firefly."

The small infant gave a loud whine as she opened her eyes. After a few seconds the small girl leaned against Dabi trying to get comfortable.

Tomura got dressed in the more comfortable clothes as he adjusted them to now fit his flatter stomach.

*Dabi chuckled softly as he helped her adjust herself.* "Well someone's active." *He smiled.*

The small girl gave no further reaction.

Tomura came over to Dabi "I think I have some clothes and diapers for her in our room."

*The half-breed nodded softly and looked over at him.* "Would you like her back?"

"I think she likes being against your warm chest." he gave a small chuckle. "Maybe it's just a little too rough for her taste." his hand gently brushed against some of the exposed skin.

*Dabi smiled and looked at Coí again.*

The alchemist gave a smile as well as he kissed the man before he teleported them to their bedroom. There he went over to a shelf to get a baby onesie for Coí as well as a diaper. "Can you do it? I have to go to the bathroom real quick."

*The half-breed nodded. He took the necessary items to the other side of the room and changed Coí into them. Once she was dressed, he picked her up again and nuzzled her gently.*

Tomura came out of the bathroom a second later. He melted at the sight of Dabi cuddling the way smaller Coí. He made a few steps over to them supporting himself with his own alchemy. "You wanna go to bed? We can finally cuddle normally again."

*Dabi turned to Tomura when he appeared. He nodded softly as he held Coí carefully.* "Of course. Sleep sounds amazing."

The alchemist took Dabi's pants to guide him to the bed. As he himself sat down on it he hummed "Where should Coí sleep for the night? I am still confused on where all the baby stuff for her is but I hope it's just in some other room, right?" He asked as he watched his mate sit down next to him with the small sleeping girl still in his arms.

"It's...uh..." *The dragon shook his head.* "I can bring her spare crib I had built in here if you'd like. That way she's close by and not separated too far away if anything were to happen."

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Where stories live. Discover now