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*The ravenette just shook his head and hugged Tomura again.* "You're apology is enough. For now." *He softly kissed his neck after he managed to stop the tears streaming down his face.* "I'm just glad I was able to come back and see you again." *The dragon smiled against his neck.* "I knew you'd be extraordinary." *Dabi whispered against his neck.*

A shiver went down his spine as Dabi kissed his neck and whispered sweet nothings against it. "Dabi~" he moaned softly. The dragon now went for the spot covering it in sweet kisses. Tomura grabbed onto his hair. "Dabi~ go for it, mark what's yours~"

*The dragon's diamond blue eyes shifted up to Tomura, meeting his crimson eyes. When the albino haired alchemist tugged his hair gently, he took it as a sign of permission and bit down onto Tomura's neck. He sucked into the spot slightly, soon pulling away and kissing the darkened spot softly.* "You're so beautiful."

Tomura squirmed as he spoke. He lowered his head and moaned into the other's ear's "Make me feel beautiful." He wrapped his arms around his dragon lover.

*The half-breed glanced at him again. Once again, he bit down on the alchemist's shoulder, marking the human. He continued this motion about two or three more times before pulling Tomura into a kiss. He bit the albino haired male's bottom lip, practically begging for entrance.*

The alchemist granted it instantly as he felt Dabi's tongue inside his mouth exploring him. He got hotter every second the man made him get high on the feeling of having him back. After what felt like forever their lips disconnected. Dabi panted on Tomura's neck while the man took his head by his horns. He looked into those beautiful diamond eyes and let himself fall behind with the man now on top of him. He connected their lips again needy for the other one's taste and tongue in his throat.

*Dabi groaned softly as Tomura began to stroke his horns. As the dragon explored his human's mouth, he trailed one hand down to Tomura's torso, slowly trailing his hand up and down the smaller man. When Tomura let out a small gasp and broke the kiss, Dabi looked at Tomura with a slight apologetic look in his eyes.* "I'm..." *He started between pants.* "I'm sorry. Was that wrong?"

Tomura needed to catch his breath for a second "No, not at all. I was just a bit surprised." He kissed the man's cheek. "You can continue." He looked into his eyes while laying back down grabbing onto the other's shoulders.

*The half-breed slowly nodded once again. He trailed one hand down Tomura torso again, planting soft kisses along his jawline. Dabi then carefully unbuttoned a few of Tomura's buttons on his shirt before moving to his chest. There, he planted more kisses and love bites.*

Tomura let out more moans and groans to let the other know he enjoyed being in this position while starting to unbuttoned the other's shirt too.

*Dabi smirked at the noises Tomura had made. God he loved them. And they were all for him now. As the dragon worked on his boyfriend's chest, he brought one hand to the human's thigh to slowly massage it. Every now and then he would slowly raise his hand's position.

*Tomura had fully unbuttoned the other's shirt and had gotten rid of it to enjoy the view while he felt the other's hand just above his abdomen. "Dabi~" he whimpered "stop teasing me."

*Dabi chuckled.* "But that's the fun bit." *He rose up just enough to whisper into his partner's ear, his voice dark and husky.* "Feeling you squirm like this. All those noises you make." *He smirked slightly.* "God, you're so fucking hot, Tomura!"

Tomura got even redder at the man's words. But he knew that Dabi would probably be mean in bed. After all he decided that Dabi could have him. The man has often read about the perfect moment for stuff. And he would be damned if after resurrecting his boyfriend it wouldn't be the perfect time to lose his virginity in his closet. He could only pray that Kai didn't hear them, but he doubts due to him being in his lab around that time.

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