When he realizes he likes you

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Kai's p.o.v.
"Gahhhhhhhh I can't stop thinking about her" I tell my sister Nya. don't ask me why I'm telling this to my sister but she's pretty good at solving problems."then you should ask her out. Treat her like a lady and take her somewhere special like on a romantic date. something she'll treasure forever"Nya said. i just nod and think really hard to were I'm gonna take Y/n. "got it. I know where I'm gonna take Y/n. thanks lil sis" I can't believe I just spilled my feelings about Y/n to Nya I hope she keeps her mouth shut or else the guy will never let me hear the end of it but I got something special planned.
Jay's p.o.v
We were training earlier today and I was sparring against Zane and I could usually beat him in no time but I couldn't stop thinking about y/n, her beautiful smile, the way she giggles and laughs, and her soft h/c hair. I blush a streak of light pink thinking of the time I cought her in my arms when she turned around and her reaction of me being a ninja of lightning. Zane suddenly notices and takes his chance to strike but also notices that I wasn't trying hard so he lets me go and asks, " Jay why are you nervous and blushing?" And I reply, "there's this really cool girl that I think I like and I don't know what to do? Tell me what to do man IM FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!" And Zane looks at me confused and shocked then he says, "well I have searched my database and it tell me If a boy likes a girl the boy takes a girl out on a thing called a 'date'" I realize that and thank Zane for the help 'I gotta do something REALLY special, don't screw this up Jay' is all I can say to my self.
Zane's p.o.v.
Many thoughts have come to me about y/n she is very beautiful and her hair is very pretty and I get this warm feeling when I am around her, but I don't know what to do. I know I will ask Nya maybe she will know what it wrong with me.
[time skip to where Zane talks to Nya]
"Greetings Nya" I said "hey Zane" Nya replied and then I told her about y/n.
"She's really great and a good friend and when I'm around her I feel myself blush which is something I thought ninjroids couldn't do". And ten I just see Nya laughing and she responds "well it looks like Zane, you like Y/n you've gotta take her on a date like somewhere really special and romantic because that's what happens when a boy likes a girl he takes the girl on a date" Nya says. so now I gotta take y/n on a 'date' and I think of a perfect place, yes she'll love it.
Coles p.o.v.
I'm riding on my dragon with Misako because I'm dropping her of at ninjago city hall and then I start to daydream about y/n, her hair, the way she walks, her giggle, her smile, she lightens my whole day. and I keep daydreaming until it hits me 'I like y/n'
And without realizing I almost crashed into a tree and getting a lecture from Misako about learning to 'drive' responsibly, but it's worth it because I know what I feel about her. I know what I gotta do, I'm taking y/n on a date but where should I take her. I think for what seems like hours and an idea occurs "got it!" I basically yell out loud but I instantly regret yelling because I'm riding with Misako and she looks at me confused and then realizes "ahhhh your finally taking this y/n I've been overhearing about, well I wish you the best of luck with y/n"she says to me and I feel embarrassed the whole way but at least I've got something in store for y/n
Lloyds p.o.v.
Yasssss y/n likes candy and we both like the same comics. now I definitely know I like her ever since she tackled me for the comic I couldn't resist thinking about her, her gorgeous hair and smile she's like me but in a special way I can't describe how much I like her. so to talk out my feelings for her I went to the only adult I could trust, my father(a/n I know I said in the last chappie about Lloyd's father and being evil but in my book he's good just so your not confused) I knock and he lets me in I see him getting up from his meditation and I blurt out in one breath, "ireallylikethisgirlandIdon'tknowwhattodoplzhelpmefatherwhatdoIdo?" My father just chuckles and says, "son if you really like this girl then why don't you take her out on something I call a 'date'" then I think to myself 'I'm so dumb,why didn't I think of that' but I got it everything sorted out and thank my father I think to my self 'I'm taking
Y/n L/n on a date'
A/N: yassss next up is 'When he asks you out' Btw sorry for the spelling mistakes

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