When you meet HIS parents

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A/n: YASSS it's that time!!!!!!!!!
Embarrass him all you want!!!!!!! No, you don't want your boyfriend to die of embarrassment now do you? Enough talk, on with the story!!!!!!!
Kai-(like I said this is meh book so he IS going to have parents)
You thought that after Kai meeting your parents. You decided that YOU should meet HIS parents. So of course Kai agreed to this and off you were to his parents house flying on his dragon. Lets just say that it was a really ROUGH ride.
-Time skip- to when you get to his parents house...........
After you get off you felt relief that you didn't die. As you turn your head a lady and man come out and look like they're about in their early 50's.
"Kai, is that you?" The lady said and you guessed that was Kai's mom and she warmly smilies when she sees you but on the other hand Kai's father seems a little bit confused so he gives you a confused look.
"Mother, Father it's been so long" Kai said as he went to greet his parents with a small tear escaping his eye.
"Mom,dad this is Y/n, my girlfriend" Kai's parents give you a big smile as they come to greet you.
"Well, well, well, miss Y/n how've you been, how's my son been doing?" Kai's father asks you.
"Hello, I've been doing great and Kai well..." you said jokingly as Kai's dad chuckled and his mother just giggled.
"Well I know my son can be a handful"
Kai's dad said
"Daaaaaddddd" Kai replied.
"Well, how's Nya?" His mother asked.
"She's good" Kai said.
"Well there's a lot of catching up to do lets go inside" Kai's mother said and you and Kai followed behind hand in hand as Kai's mom opens the door and smilies at you and Kai.(cute couple!!!!!)
Since that unexpected day where Jay almost got beat up like a piñata by your own mother. You thought it was a good idea to meet his parents. But whenever you brought up the subject he would simply change the subject before you noticed. Yet one day, which was today, he FINALLY agreed so off you flew to his parents house.
-Time skip:brought to you by burritos!!-
Jay helped you off his dragon and you noticed that it was a junkyard which was pretty obvious because there was a sign (Ed & Edna's Junkyard)
Jay walked up and knocked on the door. Instantly the door burst open and a elder man and woman(a/n: well they seem elder to me idk) appeared.
"Jay,dear it's been so long" the elder woman said as she came up to him and gave him a big hug followed by a kiss on his cheek. You slightly giggled.
"Jay who's this?"the elder lady which you now assumed was Jay's mom.
"Mom, Dad this is y/n, my girlfriend" with those words the elder couple came up to you and embraced you with a big hug which you kindly returned.
"Alright everyone inside it looks like it's gonna be a storm" the elder man said now which you assumed was Jay's dad.
As you and Jay say on the couch the woman spoke up "my name is Edna and this his my husband Ed"
"We just have to tell you the time we caught Jay kissing his pillow"
Jay chimed in,"mom no you don't" and which that you replied,"please go on"
"Well when Jay was about 13 we walked in his room to say goodnight and we walked in to see him kissing his pillow and when we talked to him he said he liked it!!! Isn't that adorable??"
You burst out laughing as Jay face palmed shaking his head 'no'.
"Well my dear if you thought that was funny than I should tell you about other times"
"No mom you shouldn't. I think it's time for me and y/n to leave, right?" He nugged you because you were still laughing.
"Yea I think it's time to go, it's getting pretty late"
"But it's pouring outside, I think you should wait till it dries up" Edna said.
"Yea, look outside Jay how are we gonna fly in this rain" you said kinda worried
"Jay as your father I insist you stay inside and wait the storm out" as Ed said that you see Jay falling on his knees and saying "noooooo!!!!!"
In your mind you sing/think, 'I know I'm not the only one' (see what I did there,eh?)
(Well now you met jays really embarrassing parents)
Zane- (no, his father will not be trapped on a private mini island. He'll live in that home disguised as a tree like a normal person)
(P.s.:sorry if this sucks)
You and Zane were on his dragon flying high in the sky just above the snowy mountains. Where you could see trees and all that stuff you find on a mountain. Zane all of a sudden headed down towards the mountain where all the trees were and you holding on to his waist for dear life.
After you SAFELY land you get off only to be dragged by Zane to a tree.
"Zane why are we here?" You asked curiously.
"I want you to meet someone" Zane replied as he knocked on the tree trunk. Right now you're panicking because you have no idea what the heck is going on. After a few knocks a elder man opens the door(tree door, whatever it's called) an looks surprised.
"Zane is that you?"
"Yes father it's been so long"
"Whoa, whoa,(insert more whoa's),father???!!!" You asked surprised.
"Well of course 'father' I built him for heavens sake!" The elder which now you occurred was Zane's father.
"Come in before you freeze out there" Zane's father said and you walked in to see(insert what you see in that tree bunker thing cuz ~E~ doesn't know what it is). You were amazed to see that all of those things fit in a tree bunker.
You and Zane say side by side as Zane's father looked at you both.
"Zane is there something you need to tell me?"
"Yes father, in fact, y/n is my girlfriend the one I truly love" Zane said as a tear escaped you eye with those words.
"I never programmed you to do that." Zane's father said amazed.
"Yet you've found happiness my son and that's all I need to hear. Now my dear, how are you?"
"Well Mr....-" you said and he cut you off by saying
"Call me Dr.Julien"
"Well Dr.Julien, I'm pretty good. Zane is wonderful and he's also the one I truly love."
"Ahhh, love I see" Zane's father said.
"Well my son, you've done well in saving Ninjago and finding yourself true love. I wish you two the best." and with those words you and Zane said your good bye's to Dr.Julien and again, you were on Zane's dragon again. This time flying more slowly.
Cole-(thank you to maya4980 for dis idea-takes place as the episode of 'The Royal Blacksmiths')
Since Cole was unexpectedly ALMOST murdered by your own father you thought it would be a good idea to meet his parents and hope that they aren't as murderious as yours. You asked Coles various/numerous times and all he responded was a sarcastic "really?". But today as your daily question was asked again and to your surprise he actually said "yes". But later you found out it was to get one of the blades to keep the serpentine from unleashing the great devour. At least it was a win-win.As well the other ninjas came along.
-Happy time skip: at Cole's dad's house-
You, Cole, and the other ninja arrived to a yet cozy looking home. Cole knocked on the door to receive an immediate response of,
"What? are you too GOOD for the doorbell?" And then slams the door right in Cole's face. You and the other ninja stand there, look at Cole for a second and burst out laughing. After your little moment you catch your breath and talk.
"Well, aren't you gonna ring the doorbell?"
"Ugh, fine!"
-After a extremely long doorbell chime later-
The door opens up to reveal a man that welcomes Cole in open arms and looks at you and the ninja (who are NOT in their ninja gi's) with a confused look.
(Setting:inside the house)
"Well, well Cole it's been a while, who's your lady friend?"
"Dad this is y/n, my girlfriend" you look at Cole then at Cole's father.
"Who are they?" Cole's dad says pointing to the ninjas.
"Those are my teammates, Kai, Jay, and Zane."
Then you notice that there was something wrong between Cole and his father you decided it was best if they both let it work out.
-time skipp-
(author feels too lazy to write what goes on through the Whole episode. Plus it takes too much time)
After hearing Cole's backstory. The ninja and you decided to enter Ninjago's Talent Show in order to take the blade cup. You could do a few kick-ass moves yourself, so you considered yourself a not-fully trained kunoich. But sadly you had to dance, which by the way, don't get me wrong, you could do also. Cole had to do the triple tigger sashay which you could do yourself, but no one knew.
Time skip: the day of talentshow and few minutes before you people go on.
You felt really bad after Cole's dad left after he found out that you and the ninja were going to steal the blade cup. The ninja decided to go out on stage still and win the cup fairly and you backed away as they went on stage to perform.
-time skip-: after the clapping and cheering of all and ninja win blade cup.
You were only gone for a few more minutes and Cole already found his true potential and you didn't even get to see the action. Yet you were happy that Cole finally reunited with his father. And his father walks up to you.
"Well y/n I think you are a good influence on my cake-loving son. Keep him in order" he says as he winks at you as well.
"Well mr...-"
"Call me Lou"
"Well Mr.Lou, I try" you say jokingly. You then hear laughter from the ninja and Cole's dad , you turn to see Cole glaring at the ninja and to you, he just shakes his head 'no'.
Lloyd thought for some reason it was a good idea for you meet his parents.
You were silent on the ride there, when you arrived you whispered in Lloyd's ear, "remember what I said last time?" You smirked with Lloyd saying, "crap, well there's no turning back now."
after a knock or two on the huge monestry door a middle aged woman appeared and you guessed that was Lloyd's mom.
"Mother, I need to speak with you and father"
"Why not a hello? Or how about a 'nice to see you?' "
You stood behind Lloyd before greeting Lloyd's mother
"Hello, I'm y/n"
"Call me Misako, well Lloyd, I didn't know you had a. Girlfriend. Come inside you two"
You follow the nice lady inside to see, well whatever you see in a monestry.
"Garmedon, come out" then after a few minutes a middle aged man comes out in which you guessed was Lloyd's father.
"Ah, Lloyd nice to see you again son..
And I see you've brought home a friend"
You turn to see Lloyd blush a little and you do the same.
"Uhhh... Dad this is actually y/n, my girlfriend"
"Ahh, I see so my son has finally given in for a nice young lady" emphasizing on the word found.
"Your fathers right, we both thought he'd NEVER get over his faze on thinking that girls are gross"
You stood there laughing, and holding on to your stomach and after you little scene you look to see Lloyd having a pink blush on his cheek.
"You do realize what this means Lloyd?" Garmedon said.
"Uhh what?" You and Lloyd said dumbfounded.
"Since you are the ultimate spinjitzu master, you enemies will come and target the ones you love. They will find your weakness" Garmedon said seriously while Misako looked seriously.
"I will do anything to protect y/n and the ones I love. Even if it mean I have to sacrifice myself."
You sat there trying to take in everything of what everyone just said.
"Wait, you mean that me and Lloyd dating is a bad thing?" You said realizing everything.
"Well not technically, you see dear, you and Lloyd dating is putting you and your family at a huge risk of the ninjas enemies." Misako also added.
"But all you have to do is be with each other and love your lives as long as it lasts, love each other dearly" she said with a light smile.
"Thank you mom" Lloyd replied and gives you a peck on your cheek. You blush and hear Misako say something o Garmedon,
"Don't they remind you of 2 other people?" Garmedon nodded and Misako added,
"They look just like us when we were young"
Lloyd turns his head and says
"You know we can hear you right?"
Then Misako and Garmedon leave the room leaving you and Lloyd alone.
You giggle and to hear Lloyd whisper something in your ear.....
"I will love you always and no one will ever come between us."
A/n: OMIGOSH I can't believe that just happened. I'm so sorry I have been inactive lately. I was on a school overnight field trip to Washington and let me tell you, IT WAS FREAKIN AWESOME . well except for the 8 hour bus ride. most of us are pretty sick(including me) it was probably too many frappés that I had. I'm extremely tired and because of zat I updated because I felt really bad for leaving you guys for 5 days!!!!!!
I'm really sorry and next coming up is....
Drum roll please.....
'When he gets drunk'
BTW this was requested by ariaDdestiny a really, I mean REALLY LONG time ago and it might come out on THE WEEKEND. It's called writers block and all dat chiz. So expect this next chappie to come out on the weekend. meh sooooo SORRY!!!!!.

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios!!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt