Imma Whaaaaa?

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Oh switcharos!!!
You'll find out in this chappie!
Intro: After a week of not seeing your boyfriend.
Thanks to Sensei Wu......
Let's just say that you tried to visit and Wu, kinda had a restraining order that lasted for a week.
Yet today's the day the week is up and the restraining order is expired, finito, in other words, you get to see your favorite ninja....
You were with Kai, in his room, cuddling, to be exact, not seeing each other for a week was painful...
Yet there was no fadoodling, sadly:(
But it was calm and quite relaxing until Zane came in running.....

"Y/n! Sensei Wu needs to see you NOW!"

You immediately both shove each other off as Zane walks in and blurts that out.

"Zane, really?" Kai said helping you up.

"Uhhh okay" you say nervously, Kai looks at you and motions you to go.
What you didn't know was that your ease dropping boyfriend followed you.
(With Wu)
"I see you came y/n, or should I say
y/n, master of water..."

"Whoa, whoa, wait a second man, ME, out off all of Ninjago, MASTER OF WATER????!!!!"

"Master of water?" Says Kai, while collapsing, into where you and Wu were supposed to have a PRIVATE conversation.
(Great job Kai!)
"Kai?" You say and Wu just face palms.

"Yes Y/n, you my dear are a descendent of an elemental master, water, to be exact."

"Whoa...." You and Kai day at the same time..........

"Wait, wait, wait..... does that mean all this time my mother possessed an elemental power?" You say

"Possibly, there is only one way to find out" Sensei Wu says

"How?" You ask, waiting eagerly for a response.

"Ask your mother" Sensei Wu says, you sigh and look at him with a really? face.

"And since Kai is already a spinjitzu master, he will teach you, I will guide you."
Kai smirks while you roll your eyes and Wu, well he just sits there and drinks his tea.
At this point you were more than surprised. Kai must have sensed this, because he instantly wrapped his arm around you as you both leave Sensei Wu's room more confused than ever.

Why has my mother kept this from me?
"Hey Jay" you said as you walked in.
You looked at Jay who looked at you with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Y/N!!!! YOUR HERE!!!!!"

Then engulfed you into a big hug
"Long time no see?" You say while you hear your rib crack.
Jay finally lets go and gets his serious face on.
"Sensei Wu needs to talk to you..." He says as he guides you towards Sensei Wu's room.
(With Wu)
"Hello Sensei Wu" you and Jay both say, to be honest you really thought it was bad news.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I broke that really expensive vase! It wasn't my fault! Those pesky mice were asking for it!"
"This isn't about the va- wait you broke MY vase?!" Sensei Wu said realizing what you said.
"Pshhhh, your looking sharp Sensei Wu, uhmmm, what where you saying again?" You said trying to cover up your mistake, you look to see Jay trying to hold in his laugh.
"Anyways, as I was saying, you my dear are the elemental master of invisibility"
Wu says. You and Jay both look at him like he's crazy......

"Is this some kind of joke?" You say. Jay looks at you with his jaw opened.
"No, you Y/n are the elemental master of invisibility"
"Then, wouldn't that mean her mother or father possesses some kind of power too?" Jay asks.
"That is for Y/n to find out" Sensei Wu says.
"Would you Y/n, like to train to become the Ninja of Invisibility?"
You look at Jay and see him nodding rapidly.
"Yes" you say happily.
Jay spins you and your giggling now at his cuteness. Wu's sitting there chuckling.
"Now, Y/n, Jay will train you for the most part. I will be there to guide you"
You both nod, and exit the room.
One question keeps running through you mind though......

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios!!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt