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Ohhh how I wish I had a one of these ninja, or ghost to cuddle with!!!!! The cuddles are awesome and cute and beautiful! These are short.....:(
E is very sorry!!! :(

You peacefully were on the couch, no not eating, or watching T.V. But you were sleeping, in a deep sleep, the pillows so comfy, the perfect lazy Sunday.

"Ahhhh Lazy Sunday" and you crashed sleeping......
Momentarily, you felt another body right next to yours, so you pushed it off.
"Hey!" You recognize the voice and opened an eye.
"Yeah, now move over" he says with pleading eyes. You remained in your position, and rolled over.
"Nope! Lazy Sunday!" And you shut your eyes again.
But Kai, being the person who always gets what he wants, he rolled you over and crashed beside you, pulling you closer,
"Cuddles!" You say nuzzling you head into his chest.
"Perfect Lazy Sunday....." You both said before falling into a deep sleep, in each others arms.

You and Jay were upstairs, in his room to be exact, watching a Spanish Telenovela, (insert telenovela) you being Hispanic, you made him watch your favorite telenovela. At first he didn't want to, but now he was laughing his ass off.
This telenovela was evened out with comedy, sadness, and drama. His arms were around your shoulder, you held the popcorn bowl as the teen couple in the telenovela were leaning in. As as the Hispanic teen couple leaned in, Jay brought you in closer, that Jay's chin was resting on top of your head.
"Remind you of anyone?" He says softly.
"Us" you say, he smiles down at you and places a kiss on your forehead before pulling you close an wrapping his arms around you.

You and Cole had a teeny weeny bit of too much cake. And now both of you were moaning at the big stomach ache you both had.
"Come here" Cole says grasping his stomach. You slowly walk over to Cole, and in a matter of second he pulls you down so that you both crash into the couch.
"Now what?" You ask curling yourself into a ball, Cole manages to pull you close and you two look into each others eyes.
"Hey, I feel better" you exclaim.
"Cuddles are the answer to everything" he says bringing you closer.

"Y/n?" He says walking into your room at the Monastery.
"Yes Zane?" You reply.
"What's a cuddle?" He asks. You smile, lately you've been upgrading your bionics and haven't seen Zane in a while, so this was the perfect opportunity.
"Come here and I'll show you." You say parting a place on your bed. He does this, "now what?" He asks again.
"Now wrap you arms around me and pull me in closer, and then we cuddle!!!" You say giggling.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close so that there's only a millimeter between you two.
"I like cuddles" he says softly.
"Yeah me too" you say nuzzling into his grasp.
"Awwwww bionic and nindroid!!!" Jay says snapping a picture and running out of the room.
"Should we get him?" You ask.
"Nah, this is better" Zane says pulling you in closer.

You and Lloyd were both in his room. Reading Comics, eating candy, occasionally kisses exchanged here and there. Lloyd gets up and leaves the room leaving you with the comics and candy, you were so into the newest issue of Starfarer.

"SENEPAI!!!!!" Lloyd yells, flinging himself on to the bed next to you, causing you drop your comic.
"Senepai, notices you, now what?" You ask. He doesn't answer, instead he reached his arms out to you making a irresistible puppy face.
"Cuddle?" Lloyd says in a sweet innocent voice. You look away.
No y/n, don't do it...
"Come e're" Lloyd says pulling you closer. Curling both of you two into tight balls, as you both hug and nuzzle one or the other.
"Lloyd, it's your day for cooking!" Kai hollers.
"THE GREEN NINJA DOESNT DO HOUSE STUFF!!!" He yells while still cuddling with you.

Momentarily, Kai comes in seeing you two in each other's arms, peacefully sleeping

Kai: 0-o..........*walks away*

And your watching....and your waiting....for a cuddle....from Morro.....

And your watching....and your waiting...

"Y/n?" Morro asks.
"Yes?" Your reply, what you really wanted to right now was pounce on Morro and drag him into a cuddle.
"Are you busy?"
And with that nope, he pounced on your and wrapped his arms around your holding you close.
"Need a cuddle?" Morro says sweetly.
"How'd you know?" You say smiling and snuggling close.
"I'm the best, and I know all!!!!" He says bringing you even closer.
"Cuddles are the answer to everything!" You yell, and your brother walks by.
"Get off of my sister Morro!" Lloyd yells. You grab a pillow and chuck it at him.
"LEAVE ME AND THE CUDDLES ALONEEEEE" you say and snuggle more into Morro.
Lloyd grunts and leaves.....
"Less talkie, more cuddlie"

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ronin yells. You rush to see what going on...

"Yes Ronin?" You say out of breath.
"Can I have a cuddle?" He asks as if nothing was going on,
"I thought this was serious! I thought you were in your death bed! Or something was wrong! You made me leave my telenovela for this!!!" You say flailing your arms in the air.
"You know what you need?" Ronin says looking at you.
"What?!" You practically yell.
"A.....CUDDLE!!!!!" He says before pulling on to the bed and holding you close to him. You struggle at first and then relax into his grasp.
"See a cuddle fixes everything..." He says.
"The telenovela can wait..." You say snuggling in his chest.
I did it!! I updated today!!! YUSH!!!! GO AUTHOR!!!!!
Well I've wifi, no tv,
Until TUESDAY!!!! That's when the optimum company installs that stuff....
I'm sitting here .....with my bowl of phone that has no wifi, only 3G...and a metal bat, because I keep hearing noises... The rest of my family decided to leave me here while I was sleeping and headed back to get the rest of the things....they won't be back till I'm here, music on my speakers...alone....sorta scared....too many noises, but I have my trusty metal bat with me!!
So I'll try to update my other books today too!!

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios!!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt