The Date-Lloyd

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(YASSSS THE CHAPPIE WE'VE All BEEN WAITING FOR!!!! C U GUYS AT THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
P.S. the picture is a surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(At BFF/n's house)
"I still don't believe you y/n"
"What that I've got a date?"
"Yea,but who goin out with anyways,do we know him?" BFF/n said.
"Trust me you'll know when he gets here"you said "anyways I came here for help,your amazing stylish ways will get me ready, clear?" you say. "yes mam" your BFF replies. "Y/n, you do realize your gonna at least have to wear a dress,right?"bff/n says considerately.
"Can't I wear skinny jeans or leggings with a nice t-shirt?!" you said kind of scared. (A/N:why were you scared?if your like me who hates wearing dresses and skirts and also hates the fact of leaving skinny jeans and leggings for a day,yea, that's why your scared)"eh lets go"you said.
-time skip-to after an hour shopping at the mall and your back at BFF/n's house-
You walk in to see BFF/n's living room with hair products and you see a curling iron."wait a minute, YOUR doing my hair?" You say scared again. "yea. is there a problem?" She say sarcastically .
"Uhh, remember last time, the metal part burned my forehead because of you!!" You say as you have a mini-flashback. "oh yea, it was pretty funny"bff/n says as she has her own mini flashback. "but your gonna curl my hair anyways right?" You said nervously. "yea so sit tight and wait till I'm done" you sit as she says that and fall asleep not noticing how long she took and she poked you to wake up. "I think your ready y/n, take a look" he handed you a mirror. you hesitantly took a look and was amazed by what your friend had done to your hair. It was curled(as in pic from your outfit-Lloyd) you go to the bathroom and change into your minty green dress and slip on your minty green converse wedges(hahaha not as formal😉)you walk out and put on your necklace(as in pic from your outfit-Lloyd) and when you walk out to the living room you see BFF/n on the floor like she just fainted and you see Lloyd in a tux with a green tie, walking around in circles with a worried face not knowing what to do. 'good thing I have water with me' you thought and poured some over BFF/n's face and she instantly got up..
"Y/N YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOUR DATE WAS WITH LLOYD GARMEDON, THE FAMOUS GREEN NINJA?!!!" you just burst out laughing with Lloyd at BFF/n extreme outburst. You help BFF/n get up and she races up the stairs to leave you 2 alone in silence . "so???" You say breaking the silence. "lets go!" Lloyd says happily.
When you walk out you start to talk, "wait how'd you find me I didn't even tell you where I was?"
"I have my ways" he said jokingly "nah, just kidding, I saw you walking in BFF/n's house while I was on my way home" "oh" you say back.
-time skip to ze plaze where ze date iz-
You arrive at the amusement park and there was barely no one there so it was only you two with a few of other couples. You both end up playing games and going on rides until you spot your favorite thing in the world....
"CANDY!!!!!"you shriek/squeal and run as fast as your wedges can take you with Lloyd behind you chuckling, but due to your annoying clumsiness you trip on something ...and just as your about to fall a pair of arms are at your waist and you instantly recognize the grip and to your view you see Lloyd blushing a small shade of pink and,you,man you were blushing 50 shades of deep red not known to man. He helps you up and you get cotton candy, a HUGE one and he pays for it. you both share the cotton candy and soon you arrive at the Ferris wheel,'Damn it, it just HAD to be a Ferris wheel' you think to your self. You give the man your tickets and climb on as your both strapped on you say something to Lloyd as the ride starts up, "u-u-hhh, Lloyd did we HAVE to ride this?"
"What's wrong y/n?"
"I'm kind of scared of heights"
"Don't worry, here hold my hand"he holds your hand and you blush a light pink and so does he. You all of a sudden loose your fear and find yourself staring at the starry sky along side Lloyd. Then all of a sudden the ride stops and you come back to reality, realizing that the cart your on has just stopped and your fear came back and your gripping on to Lloyd's hand tightly so tight that you hear Lloyd whimper in pain. So you let go and he tells you.."dont worry, we'll be down soon enough,but since we're together now I might as well tell you" he said kind of nervously. "tell me what?" You say in unison. "Y-y/n, I like you, no wait, I love you, you mean everything to me, I can't get you outta my head your the only thing I think of" he says while getting something out. you tear up as you see Lloyd pulling out a golden heart locket with a small design with green. "will you be my girlfriend,y/n?" He says kindly and warmly. You're still in small tears as you reply with a,"yes".He hands you the locker as you read it it had a mini poem that said
Your my one and only
Be with me forever and always
You close the locker and keep it in your hand and pick up your head to see Lloyd leaning towards you so you do the same and his soft lips connect with yours, as the ride starts again you put your arms around his neck and his are at your waist never breaking the kiss. When you feel the ride stopping you pull away to see Lloyd with a small blush of pink while there's a crowd of people there awwwwing and clapping and many jealous girls scoffing. You both go out o the ride and he escorts you back home with the locker still in you hand and you arrive home he gives you a quick kiss and he pulls away and leaves you blushing a small shade of red. You wave goodbye at him and walk inside you turn one last time to see Lloyd fist pumping the air and jumping around like he just won a huge prize. 'Guess that prize is me' you think and head for some rest.
A/n:YASSS A CHAPPIE IS DONEEE!!!!! This was really fun to make no more separate chapters like the ones for the date now they go back to normal. K? BYE! SEE YALL NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios!!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt