Sweet Parents.......EXPLAIN! Jay/Cole/Zane/Lloyd

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So this is gonna continue from that last scenario which was Explain!-Kai, except this is the other guys........
I think you get it.......
Oh also, lets just say your parents are about Wu's, Garmedon's, or Misako's age? Is that okay? Because it will make more sense...........
You were more than frustrated that your parents never told you......
You wondered Why?
Why would they keep such a great secret from you?
Why would they hide away your talent?
But after Wu told you, you were definitely gonna give your parents a quick and quiet visit..........
"Hey it's gonna be alright, I'm sure they have an explanation" says Jay as you both ride the ultra dragon. You looked at him and sighed.
"I guess your right"
As you approached, you mounted off the dragon leaving Jay behind, he was kinda afraid of your mom, after that beating with the broom he got from your mom last time........
You approached the door and gave it a few loud knocks your parents appeared at the door. They looked happy.
"Well your just in time for dinner" your mom said cheerfully in a Spanish accent.
"That's not what I came for" you say giving a look.
Your dad looks confused and then his face turns into a face of realization.
"You found out, didn't you?" Your dad says motioning you inside. You didn't see your mother after you walked in.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You say to your father as you both take a seat on the couch.

"We we're going to tell you when the time was right" your dad says.
You close your eyes, trying to prevent your tears from forming. When you open your eyes, your mom is in front of you. Your eyes widen in realization.
"You!" You say pointing to your mother.

"Yes, I'm the master of Invisibility" she says as she hands you a sword. You take it in your hands and admire it.

"I know I should've told you sooner, but I wanted to wait till I thought you were ready, but I guess you are ready... New master of Invisibility....." she says smiling. You look back and give her a hug. Your father looks at you proudly. You take a quick look at both of them and pull them into a hug.
"I guess I gotta go, thanks for everything mom and dad!" You say as you part the hug.
"Say Hi to Wu for me" your mother says. You father waves you goodbye as you grab your bags and leave your once known house, to train.
"Back to the Monestary?" Says Jay as you mount the dragon.
"Yup" you say while riding back to your new home.
You were on the ultra dragon, Cole was giving you a ride to your parents house. Just for a little daughter-parent talk.
"You sure you wanna do this?" Cole asks as he lands the ultra dragon.
"Of course, I need to know the truth!" You say getting off. You see Cole getting off, but you give him a cold stare, and he stays back.
As you knock the door, your mom opens up. Your dad is sitting on the couch. Your mom motions you to walk in.
"Glad your here" your dad says while you take a seat.
"I see things are going great for you and Cole" your mom says happily.
You sit there not even smiling.
"What's wrong?" Your parents say.
"Why?" You said trying to hold back tears.
"Why what?" Your dad said.
"F/n, I think she found out" your mom said while going over to you.
"Why did you keep this from me?, Why didn't you ever tell me? Why?!" You said.
"We thought you'd be better off without that kind of power...." your mom said keeping her head down.
"I didn't think you'd ever inherit my elemental power" your dad adds as well. Your eyes widen and you look at him.
"Seriously?!" You said kinda angry this time.
"I didn't know Y/n, it wasn't until me and you were playing a game of hide-n-seek that I found out you inherited my power," you dad says
"Remember we were playing and it was your turn to hide, I searched for you top to bottom of this house and then I realized about the powers. You somehow ended up with you mother outside of the house. I was worried, if you couldn't control your powers at such a young age, I thought you would teleport yourself somewhere else." your dad says and your mom nods.

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios!!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt