When your parents find out!!!

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(A/N: ohhh shittttt, you gonna be in soooo much trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nah, jk I would never do that to you.I'm not THAT mean.Maybe????but anyways ENJOYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author(me):I'm sooooooooooo sorry for making you wait THIS long, it's ok take a bat and hit me,
no plz don't, because then who's gonna write the scenarios? Huh? Bet you didn't think of that right?
Readers(you amazing people): Shut up author and continue!!!!!!!!!!!!
See yall at the end!!!!!XD





So let's say your relationship between you and The ninja is like a secret? Right? Well yeah it's a secret because my parents don't even know, you thought to your self. Yet there's always that certain/specific day when you parents butt in and find out or you end up telling them






You were with Kai at the library(don't ask)and thought to your self 'should I tell them', by 'them' you meant your parents. So you faithfully said to your self, 'It's time' and spoke up,
"hey Kai?"you said in a nervous tone.
"I think it's time"
"Time for what" Kai said kind of confused.
"Time to tell my parents that I'm dating someone" you said back innocently.
"I guess it's time then, let's go"
and with that.....,on to your parents house, where you live, you both go.


-time skip,brought to you by rainbow barfing gnomes-


As you walk up the steps you start to get a nervous feeling. Kai knocks the door and to your surprise the door was unlocked. You both walked in to see your mother on the sofa reading, well whatever old people read. She looks up to see you and Kai together.
"Y/n, who is this?" your mother says curiously.
"Mom, i'd like you to meet Kai, my boyfriend." you responded nervously. You turn to see Kai all clenched up not knowing what to say, lets just say he standing like an idiot not knowing what to do. You turn back to your mother who is pretty surprised and also see your father coming through the door, which apperently made you even more nervous.
"Y/n, who the heck is he?" your father said sternly.
"mom, dad as i said before this is Kai, my boyfriend." you said even more nervously and see Kai just waving STILL not knowing what to do. Your parents sit there frozen not knowing what to say next but your mother starts to smiles and soon is followed by your dad.
"i cant believe my girl is all grown up" you mother says while holding back tears. Your father nods in approval while saying,"well Mr. Kai you break my daughters heart I will find you." your fathers says in a serious tone and earning a slap on the back of his neck by your mom. Kai, now is standing still like a solder and has fear in his eyes and you look at him giving him the 'its okay now' look and he sighs in relef knowing that judging time is over and that NOW your OFFICALLY a couple.












Your at your house when you hear a knock on you window. After realizing its Jay and that its pouring like niagra falls you let him in. He shivers as you run off to get some blankets, towels, and hot coco. You walk back in to see Jay being wacked by your mother with a broom and your mother and father yelling/ranting in spanish at him to get out of the house,
"sal de aqui, esto es el cuarto de mi hija!!!!"your mom yelled at him while chasing Jay with a broom in circles.
(LOL,XD,#poor jay, plus your parents plus you are hispanic americans, so you speak english and spanish)
you simply drop your things to get attention and luckely you did
But sure as hell you had A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO as your parents gave you the 'look'. So being the good child you are your had to explain that you were dating Jay and he was right beside you the whole time even though he kept his distance from your parents after the whole 'incident' thing.
Your dad nodded in pleasure and said,"to see that you've found someone so much like you" and you and Jay blushed slightly. Knowing your mom was all chill there was always one thing that triggers the embarising mother, is when you have someone over,"Jay dear, i've got to tell you about Y/n's first day of school as a little kid, man did she cling on for dear life, we basicaly had to pry her off of me with a bunch of teachers and she was bawling an-..." luckely your dad cut her off before she could get to the REALLY embarresing part while you hear Jay laughing.
"I think thats enough dear, we don't want to embares Y/n to death"
"Well Jay, you are very lucky to have found my extrodanaraly amazing daughter, you have mine and my wife's blessing to OFFICALY date my daughter" your father said proudly and sternly. Yet as the over protective father you have he shot Jay a,'if you hurt her in any way ill break your face' look and you glared at your father so he'll stop and to your surprise he did. Your parents decided to leave you two alone but both gave you a 'no funny buisness' look and with that said they walked away,
"Gezz, your mom handels the broom like a weapon." you giggle because you know its true and yo mom will whoop any one if they give her a heart attack. And with that you both end up laying in bed together.(laughing so much XD!!!!!)

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios!!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt