The Date-Zane

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(A/N: Crap! Forgot to add in "when you meet again" that Zane tells you he's a ninjroid. I'll try to squeeze it in somehow in this chappie. On the other hand.....Wanna know what the rings for? Read and find out my Zane fans!!!!!)
(At your BFF's house🏡)
"Y/n, I can't believe you got a boyfriend before me. I always thought I was gonna be the first,but in soo happy for you. your gonna have sooooo much FUN!!!!!" BFF/n ranted on and on.
" Hey, no one said I had a boyfriend, YET, were just going as friends and nothing else, get it,got it?" You say as your friend nods by your annoyed outburst.
"Good"you reply. "now you gonna help me get ready or are you just gonna stand there" you said and your BFF started with your hair after you put on your white dress.
(Insert narrators voice from spongebob)-'One Hour Later'....
"Y/n, I think I've done it, I finished your hair, now look and tell me what you think?" You turn to see your hair and looked shocked because your BFF just did that incredible hair style that the author can't explain because she'll die of trying to explain and fail. So you look and are stunned at the hair your BFF was capable of doing. You put on your moon necklace and white pumps on just as you get a call from Zane...
-Cell convo-
You: hey Zane what's up?
Zane: um is it ok if you look outside?
You: um ok?
(You look out side to see a trail of white rose pedals and talk o Zane once more)
Zane: Y/n I want you to follow the pedals and see where the pedals take you and you will find me at the end o the trail.
You: ok, bye
Zane: I'll see you at the end.
-End of cell convo-
You turn to see BFF/n looking anxious at what you and Zane were talking about.
"He wants me to follow the rose pedals he left for me"
"Ohhhh how romantic. well what are you waiting for?, He's probably waiting for you,go." BFF/n says as she's pushing you out of the door. You followed the rise pedals for what seems like hours until you notice the cherry blossom trees.... your in ninjago city park. You finally reach the end of the trail to see Zane in a white tux with a white tie as well.
"Hey Zane"
"Gretings Y/n, you look gorgeous tonight" you blushed at his comment. When you turned to see Zane, the lake/pond was frozen, (yea dats right u goin ice skating)
"Umm Zane I don't know how to skate or have skates" ,that's when you see Zane pulling out two pairs of skates, 'great' you thought sarcastically. you pulled on the skates seeing Zane already on the pond/lake already skating like a pro. You get up and wobble a bit and was thinking that you were gonna break through the ice just as you see Zane catching you.
"Don't know how to skate,huh?"
"Unfortunately, I don't", he then takes your hand and you get up slowly and your both holding hand neither realizing how red your blushing now. It doesn't take you time but then you actually get the hang of it.
"You are a fast learner,Y/n"
"I guess I always was" you say. You both skate hand in hand until Zane spins you around so your facing him and your faces are nearly inches apart. Then when you least expect it, Zane leaned in and kissed you, you were confused but at the same time you felt those awesome fireworks in your heart, as you put your arms around his neck and his are at your waist. You two were still on the pond/lake when all of a sudden...'THUMP' you both fell on the grass and started to laugh hysterically until Zane pulled out a small white box. as he opened it up you realize it was a snowflake designed ring.(the surprise you've been waiting for!!!) you were smiling as he said...
"y/n I've know you as a good friend for a great while and at first I didn't know what I've felt deep inside but came to a conclusion, that I love you and would you be in honor of taking this ring and being my girlfriend?" He asked as you were tearing up( hey if you thought you were getting married your....WRONG I'm not even half way through the book!!!)you were fangirling like crazy on the inside but you played it cool on the outside. so you replied with a...
"Zane I would be honored to be your girlfriend." he smiled and put the ring on your finger and he started to talk but his tone sounded serious.
"Y/n, now that we are together I think it's time I tell you...."
"Tell me what" you sounded worried at the time.
"I-I'-m a- ninjroid" he said as he opened the compartment in his chest revealing wires and buttons(A/n:idk what you call that thingy in his chest so yeaaa..) you were surprised and Zane looked at you and said,
"If you don't like me, I understand, I mean why would a human girl would want me a nin-mmmpphhh..." you cut him off by kissing him lightly and then pulled away. "Zane I'll always love/like you your perfect just the way you are and I couldn't ask it any other way."
You two took a stroll around the park and stopped at a huge water fountain and realized it was getting late.
"Zane I have to get home"
"I'll walk you home, if that's ok with you?"
You were silent and blushing as he walked you home (of course you had your pumps back on and he had his reg. shoes back on) When you both realized that you finally made it back you bother hugged each other and simply waved goodbye to each other realizing your were his lucky girlfriend and he was your lucky ninjroid-boyfriend.
A/n: Had to take stupid math exams for 2 hours plus a math class that was 30mins long. Soooooo much math and I have another exam tomorrow and the last exam on Friday soo yea. did you like it I literally started to wipe some tees because it was soo beautiful. ok I'm done now *sniff*. Up next is "The Date-Cole" which will be updated tomorrow;)

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