Q/A!!! (2nd Time!!) Plus 10 thing thingy...

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Eeeeeeeek how I love doing these!!!!!
Ahhhh Ask the Psychotic Author Question Timeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Jk, jk,jk, I'm not psychotic...-_-
Welp here are your answers to some of your questions!
KawaiiAttack_02: Family? Or Ninjago?
Well, uhhhh, I really uhhhhh, I CANT CHOOSE!!!!! I'm still a little girl!!!!!!
But if I would id choose Ninjago....
-_- don't judge me! Don't get me wrong, I love my family and all, but Ninjago is family! Moving on!
@StarryClover: What element would you have?

Ahhh so many to choose from, so I'll give you my top 5!
1) Illusion
2) Darkness
3) Lloyd's Power (energy)
4) FIAHHHHH!!!!!
5) Earth,(Who wouldn't want super strength?)
crystal14dream: What would you do if Lloyd was standing behind you right now? And are any of your friends Ninjago Fangirls?

Well if Lloyd was standing behind me this instant, first of all I would yell....
"SENEPAI NOTICED MEEEEE!!!" Then faint, And after I'd run up to Lloyd and tackle him into a hug and then keep him in my basement.....wait, whaaaaaaaa....nah I'd probably take out my stay of candy and place it in front of him and then we could stuff our faces in my bag of candy.......and love him forever!!!!!!
Only one.....is a fangirl....
Charity_Nicole2000: Since you speak Spanish, what's your heritage?

Mija, yo soy Ecuatoriana! *snaps fingers*
Yeah my heritage is Ecuador....my parents were born in Ecuador, I was born here right in da U.S! Chicago to be specific, but I'm somewhere else now, I've moved.... A LOT!
Everyone: Who's your favorite ninja?

Well if it isn't obvious yet......LLOYD! THE BAE! THE SENEPAI! THE LOVE! THE AMOR! THE PERFECT GUY CREATED BY LEGO!!!! *cough*
I'll stop now....so yeah, it's LLOYD!!!!
kunoichi-of-life: Will there be a smut/lemon for the Cole x Reader?

Well....*bursts out laughing* who uses lemon? Seriously!!! *laughs harder* lemon...*wipes tear* ahhhh, okay so I don't know, I mean I'd be cool with it, would you guys like to see the lemon/smut, whatever you call it......
Now I was tagged for the 10 thing thingy.....but if you know me....I make stuff longer than it should, because IDGAF!!!!!!!!!!!
Well here we go.....

Real Name: guys...c'mon, you already know my name.....ITS ERIKA!!!!!

Relation: Uhhhh nope......


Jk, jk, nah I'm just not ready for any relationships, plus no ones ever liked me, they always go for my other friends *shrugs*, you have any idea what my dad would do.....?
Me: Dad I got a BF!!!!
Mom: Awwwww
Dad: *pulls out shot gun* Who's the asshole?
Me: 0-0 *slowly walks away*

Height: -_- around 5'1-5'2.....yeah, I'm short......

Birthday: July 22, 2001, around 9 pm

Crush: Really? No I have no real crush, do the Ninja count? If they do....

Best Guy-Friends: I got none....

Best Girl-Friends: Ysbell! My partner in crime! The best bee-yach! The awesome bitch! We're best bitches forever! (Even tho I'm moving😭)

Last Song I Listened To: Uma Thurman- Fall Outboy....(like I said...not a girly girl....)

Last Cry: Well then, one word.... cramps...if your a teen girl, you'll get it...(They hurt like hell!!!!!)

Last Laugh: so my little brother apparently sleep talks....he said he wanted Mc Donald's, he said he ruled the world...and then started to speak spanglish (Spanish/English)

Like I said....Imma add more!!!!

Favorite Bands: Fall Outboy, The Fold...

Real Personality: Smart(no joke -_-short tempered, slightly hot headed, creative, non-athletic, in between Tom Boy and Girly Girl......you will NOT see me in a dress.....

Favorite Food: Pizza, candy, waffles, cake, and bacon!!!!!

Current Living: Well I live in the state of New York....not telling you where in the state of New York.....

Loves: I love to write! I love to swim, sing(occasionally), watch T.V, and lay down on my comfy couch....I'm sorta lazy sometimes... -_-

Dislikes: mean bitches, haters of Ninjago, people who make fun of my fandom, vegetables!!!

Detention?: believe it or not, I've picked up a few arguments with people and I walk away like a bo$$ a$$ bitch, and never get in trouble, hey! You gotta stick up for people at times! Plus I've probably gotten my whole class kicked out of an Olive Garden restaurant in the city....but that was my tables fault! It wasn't my fault that I threw the cake! They threw it at me and I just threw it back, but the waiter caught me and we were kicked out...-_-....like I said! NOT MY FAULT! But I got a selfie with the other waiter who was chill and let us back in.....so yay! So no detention...YET!

Family Members: The Hispanic/Clean freak/short tempered mother, the Hispanic/short tempered/hot headed dad, the demon little sister, the annoying demon little brother. And me, the amazing, fabulous, hothead, short tempered, unicorn, waffle, ninja!
So I've noticed a HUGE change in my spelling....I re-read my first EVER scenario and laughed at myself....then I read the recent ones and realized I've done better! So yay! Welp! That's it!!

Do the 10 thing thingy!!!!!!!!!!

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios!!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt