When you meet the others!!!;)

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(Meh people Im back!!!!!! So now,on with the chappie!)
Ok so after your date you've been hanging out like a you know....couple. But for DAYS I mean DAYS he's been trying to get you to meet his team/family. So after falling into a trap of him saying he was taking you out for a movie. Instead he kinda.....dragged you on his motorcycle and took you to what seemed like a flying shippy thingy. You looked confused well cuz you thought. 'a ship that flies?' He looked at you and simply smirked,"like my style?"You were still star struck by a ship in the air. you finally got onto the deck and he brought you inside to what you thought was a living room/game room. There you saw a girl around your age looking at blue prints and a boy around your age in a blue ninja gi daydreaming and staring at the girl.(YASSS. Meh ship Jaya). All of a sudden you see Kai walking up to the guy in the blue and whacking him in the head "Jay quit staring at my sister" and the boy, you mean, Jay looks up and notices you and talks to Kai
"Uhh, Kai, just out of curiosity, who's the chick?"
"That's why I'm here with her, bring the others."
"Well you asked for it...GUYS, SENSAI KAI'S HURT!!!!!!" Then you see another 3 more ninjas, one in white, another in black, and the last in green and a old man walking in rapidly with a first aid kit and you notice that the girl STILL doesn't notice you until Jay yells out that Kai's hurt. They try to lift Kai on the couch but Kai starts to talk.
"Guys I'm fine, I just told Jay to bring you guys to the living room to meet someone very special."
"Kai, who's this?" The elder man asked.
"Sensei, guys, and sister, this is y/n, myyy ....... girlfriend." then you see all 4 mouths drop as the elder man just strokes his long white beard. "your the one Kai won't stop blabbing about?"the one in black says and you just nod,then the girl comes out, sees you and says,"is my idiot brother holding you hostage?"You get pretty pissed of by this and finally get up and say,"HEY, this idiot,MY idiot is MY boyfriend and he loves me,K?" "Temper issues..."the one in blue says in a whisper And you see Kai nod and says, "well now that you've meet Nya...,the one in black is Cole, one in blue is Jay, one in white is Zane, and last but not least is Lloyd the one in green, also known as the green ninja and the ultimate spinjitzu master."
You see the elder man perk up and say,"who's he?"
"Ohhhhhh, yea u forgot, that sensei Wu and sensei Garmedon isn't here yet he's out with Misako, they're Lloyd's parents"
"Ohhhh" you say and with that everyone goes back to what they were doing leaving you and Kai in the living room ALONE.
Ever since your date Jay's been bugging you to meet his brothers/teammates and you simply nodded 'no' but yet he kept bugging you. So when the day finally came.......TODAY..........you gave in and he took you up to what seemed like a ship. He helped you up and when you climbed up on deck you saw 2 guys sparring with replica swords and they stopped immediately when they saw you. "guys meet y/n, my girlfriend" Jay said proudly and you stood there silent while the others looked surprised. "that's the famous y/n we hear Jay talking in his sleep about?" the one in red said. "dude I didn't know you had taste in girls?" The one in black said. You were blushing that the fact that Jay talks about you in his sleep. Jay was now tomato red as he said,"go get the others". After a bit a guy with white ninja gi and one with green ninja gi, a girl about your age and an elder man showed up. "What is the meaning of this that was so important that you interrupted my meditation!" the elder yelled/scolded at Jay and then notices you. "Well it looks like Jay has found himself a lady-friend."the one in green says. "glad to see you've moved on" the girl warmly responded at Jay. "Well let me introduce you all to y/n, my girlfriend" he said once again and everyone just waved at your direction. "Y/n, the one in black-Cole, red-Kai, white-Zane, green-Lloyd, aka the ultimate spinjitzu master, the old man-our sensei,Wu..an-..."
"Who you calling,OLD?" Sensei interrupted while whacking Jay on the head with his bamboo staff.
"As I was saying, last but not least is Nya-Kai's younger sister." Jay finishes and signals for everyone to leave, leaving you two on the deck. "so wada think?" He says. "Eh, wasn't THAT bad" you say as he embraces you in a big bear hug🐻.
The day or night after the date, Zane was trying to get you to meet his family/teammates. You tried to ignore him so he could get the memo but noooo, you just HAD to let him dragg you up an anchor up to a boat that was well how do you put this...........hmmmm....... well you could say the boat was.............FLYING.......... But anyways you still went with it and was chill. when you got to the top he led you to a room where everyone was gathered up and when they saw you they all gasped. Except the old man. "Zane, were did you find the chick, she's HOOOTTTTT" the one in red said and the elder man whacked the guy with red ninja gi in the head with his staff. Zane replied,"Kai I do not see that y/n is burning up" you just giggled at Zane's comment while the others burst out laughing."i do not understand why you are laughing" which made everyone laugh even more.
After everyone was done laughing and you as well he formally introduced you to everyone." everyone, this is Y/n, she is my girlfriend" and the girl awwwed and said , "Zane found loveeee" and everyone just stare day the both of you even the elder. After a moment of awkwardness Zane introduced his family/teammates to you,"Y/n, this is Kai-master if fire, Cole-master of earth and as well our leader, Jay- master of lightning, Lloyd-master of energy and the ultimate spinjitzu master, Nya-Kai's younger sister, and Sensei Wu. Sensei Garmedon and Misako are Lloyd's parents but they are not here." He finishes up and everyone waves or says hello and stands there for a bit until Jay says, "I'm bored, lets watch a movie!!!!!" And everyone follows him into the living room besides Wu who goes back to meditating upstairs and leaving you and Zane in the small room. "y/n, what did you think?" You simply say, "worth it" and give him a small kiss on the cheek.
Cole always saw you after dance practice and ALWAYS I mean ALWAYS talked to you about meeting his family/teammates. It got annoying after a while so the next time he asked you, he didn't even have to say anything, you simply said,"lets go".
-after climbing up a anchor for 20mins later-
You were exhausted after climbing because you just had practice. Cole led you to what seemed like a table and you saw people gathered around. They all look up to see you and just stared. the first one to speak was a elder woman, "Cole is this the young lady you speak of?" you let out a teeny weeny blush as everyone spits out their food and bursts out laughing." hahaha, very mature guys." Cole said sarcastically. "Anyways everyone this is Y/n, by girlfriend" "y/n this is Misako,Sensei Garmedon, Sensei Wu, Kai-hot headed,Lloyd-childish, Jay- sometimes dumb one, and Zane-know it all" you let out a giggle and then every one protested on what Cole told you which resulted in a messy food fight, even the elders joined in, in which was a result of you and Cole ending up to clean up the mess because Cole simply HAD to throw food at Kai. "Sorry we have to clean this up ourselves" Cole said apologetically and you said, "best family ever!" And with that you earned a smile from Cole.
Since your first date with Lloyd he's been nagging you non-stop for you to meet his family/teammates. One day, which apparently was TODAY he made that puppy dog face you just couldn't say 'no' to and after a split second you gave in. He used his energy to create a green energy dragon, you didn't know why but you clinged on for dear life until you reached a ship that was in the AIR. Lloyd helped you out and walked you inside to where you saw 4 other ninjas in different colors playing fist-to-face, one of your favorite games. One of them seemed to have trouble so you helped him out by giving him a simple cheat code and he responded with a,"thank you stranger" and then suddenly stopped playing and you recognized him, "C-C-ole?" You stuttered. You saw a hint if jealousy in Lloyd's eye and Cole got up and hugged you realizing it was his own sister. Lloyd started to tear up, "y/n, did you and him used to date?" You and Cole looked at each other in disgust and said, "no I would never date him, he's my brother we were separated when we were just children" and Cole nodded. They all just looked at you and Cole, one of them whispered "go call sensei." And when you weren't looking he sneaked out. Lloyd just stood there not knowing what to say now so you piped in. "Cole you now me but he rest don't sooo... I'm Y/n,Lloyd's girlfriend" emphizing on the word 'girlfriend'. One of them in blue piped up and said, "Lloyd we thought you didn't LIKE girls?" He said sarcastically. You retorted proudly, "well he likes, wait no, he LOVES me" and the others were schooled.BOOM. Then a elder man walked in with a bamboo staff and saw you "nephew, who is this?" He finally had the guy to talk and said, "uncle this is Y/n my girlfriend" and the elder simply nodded like if he was ok with you two dating, just like that. Lloyd finally piped up and said," Y/n, meet Kai-red and hot-headed, I guess you already know Cole, Zane-white, and the smart guy, Jay- blue and the sometimes dumb one, and our Sensei, my uncle." suddenly a girl about your age walks in with two other elder people and you curiously ask, "who are they?" "Oh the older people are my parents and the girl is Nya- Kai's younger sister." you turn to see Jay, Zane, Cole, and Kai turn back to their game and Lloyd's parents along with Nya gone which leaves you and Lloyd alone and he takes you to tell kitchen. "Y/n, how'd you like my family?" He asked nervously and you hugged him while holding back tears and said, "thanks for reuniting me and my brother." "so I'll take that as a yes" he said back.

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios!!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt