..Training/Pep Talks..

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Yup training session with da ninja!

Your now sweating your butt off as you keep running through the obstacle course and your getting frustrated each time.


Because you kept failing each time.
"Y/n, you mustn't get frustrated, now try again before I finish my tea." Wu says calmly. "Now begin"
"Keep your eye on the prize!" Yells Kai, what you really wanted to do right now is slap Kai across the face, he said it was going to be easy, but NO! Heck no it wasn't! It was frustrating.
You fall back on your butt and Kai walks over to you.
"UGH! I'm never gonna get this!" You yell flailing your arms in the air.
Kai helps you up and gives you one inspirational pep talk.
"Hey I never said it was gonna be easy, but if you fall I'll be there, your gonna get this, don't worry, now c'mon try again." He says.
You walk over and try again,
"Begin" says Wu and you race off...
Under the swinging swords,
jump up,
Kick back
"SPIN!" You yell as a Aqua color tornado wraps around you, Spinjitzu!
"IM DOING IT!" You yell as your spinjitzu comes to a stop.
"You did it! See told you Sensei, I'd be a great teacher!" Kai yells as he picks you up and spins your around.
"The best teacher!" You say while laughing. Wu smiles at both of you, he takes a small sip of his tea and leaves you two, who are still running around like crazy........


Is what happens when you get punched by the dummy, for I don't know,
Like the 5th time!
Back on the ground with a thump, again.
This time you decide to lay low, on the ground because you just had about enough of this training.
"Y/n! Again!" Said Sensei Wu for the 5th time in a row. You were just about to give up when Jay walks out.
"Hey what's up!" Jay asks all cheerfully. You get up and give him a glare that had even Sensei Wu scared.
"What's up?! I'll tell you what's up!" You say as you get up. Jay walks over to you laughing.
"Can't get through the obstacle course?" He says
"No, help me!" You say pleading on your knees. Jay helps you up and walks you over to the obstacle course.
He grabs you hands and positions it at an angle. You slightly blush,

why? May you be asking....

Because his body was against yours.
"You need to have your arms in this position when you come to the dummy, now go, I believe in you" He says giving you a slight push and Sensei Wu says, "you may begin!"
Off you go again into the course passing the first obstacle, dogging the rest and adding a backflip here and there! You looked to see if Sensei almost finished his tea, he was close. That's when you went invisible, Wu looked confused and stopped drinking his tea to look for you, you took that opportunity to complete the obstacle course while Wu was dumbfounded,
As you kicked back, you became visible once more and a light blue tornado was wrapped around you. Jay widens his eyes as he realizes what you just did.

That's right you just did Spinjitzu! You go girl!

As you came to a stop and you twirled around to see that Sensei Wu just finished his tea. You look at him proudly and smile ear to ear.
"Well done Y/n" Wu say congratulating you, he bows and so do you as in a sign of respect. He gets up and leaves. You check to make sure that he's fully gone before running up to Jay and giving him a hug...
"You did it!" He says still holding you
"Yeah...thanks" you say
"For what?" He says
"For believing in me" you respond not breaking the hug....

Maybe, being the ninja of teleportation had its little perks, but you were annoyed that you didn't get to try out the spinjitzu corse yet.......
You were training with Cole, being the ninja of teleportation meant having quick reflexes... And that's why you weren't on the course yet..
"Can I try the course now?" You say dogging Coles attacks quickly.
"Doge this!" He says throwing a punch, you slightly yawned and did a backflip causing him to run into the wall.
You help him up and he looks at you.
"Yeah you can try the course" he says leading you to the course.
As he pushes a lever, the course pops up and your shocked to see that it looked pretty difficult....
Cole seemed to notice this and walked up to you..
"Y/n this might look hard, but you've got this! You nailed at combat skills! You beat me! You've got this Y/n, now go out there and nail this course too!" Cole says giving you a boost of confidence....
At the start you felt ready...
But actually going through the whole course was kinda terrifying...
But you remembered what Cole said you got this!
Yeah! I got this! You said encouraging you self
You quickly dogged everything, throwing punches at the dummies, and backflipping very quickly..
And just as you were about to spin...
A orange tornado wrapped around you as you just preformed spinjitzu!
On your first try!
Cole looked at you in awe as he saw you do spinjitzu....
But having a glorious moment, it came to a stop as your orange tornado died down. You stop to take in on what you just accomplished..
"You did it!" Cole says running up to you, you take in another moment and smile proudly.
"I did it!" You say as you jump onto Cole's arms, he spins you around while still in his arms and kisses your forehead
"See I told you!" He said gently putting you down, not breaking the hug.
You look at him and smile.
"Yeah I guess I did" you said, happily and you stayed in a hugging position for a while more.....

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios!!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt